David Spinks


"over time, as a member’s commitment goes up, they make larger contributions to the community."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"you, “…must always lower the barrier to entry with low barrier asks and gradually ramp people up the commitment curve with incrementally harder asks that get incrementally more commitment, and generate incrementally more reward.”"
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"At Meetup, that meant not immediately asking a new member to host a meetup. First, ask them to read a blog post and then attend an event."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"At Airbnb, that meant not asking a new member to immediately post a listing. First, ask them to watch a video about how Airbnb works and then try booking a stay."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"people are more likely to say yes to your ask if they’ve already said yes to your smaller asks."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"You need to start with people who are already highly committed."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"Community-Member-Fit (which I’ll refer to as CMF) is the point at which members are consistently providing meaningful value to each other without being asked."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"Don’t copy how an established community works today. Copy how it started."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"Meetup and Airbnb started by focusing on actions at the top of the commitment curve and they started with the biggest believers in the world: themselves."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"To find CMF, start with the people who need little convincing. Ideally, they’re already trying, unsuccessfully, to do the thing that your community offers. Your only hurdle should be convincing them to do it with you."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"You don’t need 1,000 people to start a community. You need 10 true believers."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"If you want people to self-organize events, find the people who are already trying to organize events in that space. Not the huge conference organizer who’s already successful. Find the small organizers who still need your help."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"Find the people who have the motivation, but who haven’t been successful yet. They need your help."
David Spinks
Building for Believers
"The key, when starting a new community, is to focus on finding CMF for a small group of believers."
David Spinks
Building for Believers

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