Clay Skipper


"“Where we once believed that emotion was detrimental to effective thought and decisions,” he writes, “we now know that we can’t make decisions, or even think, without being influenced by our emotions.”"
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"The fact that each emotion is distinct from other emotions is also wrong. Emotions overlap."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"Emotion is a functional state of the mind. It’s a state of processing that you’re in."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"It’s a mistake to say that the rational mind and the emotional mind are separate—much less to say emotions are counterproductive."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"Emotions are used in determining our actions. So some are focused towards specifically driving us to take immediate action, or a strong action."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"It raises my consciousness about decisions. I might decide to revisit a decision later because I know I'm in a certain emotional state."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"Unfortunately, emotional contagion is a big factor with certain media, like Fox [News], who realize that fear and anger catch on with people. That draws people back to their shows to bathe in more of the same, and it's all shared."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"That your hunger can make you hungry for things that aren’t sustenance?"
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"Right. And disgust is the same. So if I'm disgusted for some reason, and I'm going to a store, and I find the perfect shorts I was looking for, I still might not want to buy them. Because that's part of that emotion."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"It shouldn't be a burden. It’s a matter of learning, automatically, to have a raised consciousness about your own mind."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"I came across studies of life expectancies showing that people with better emotional regulation, for example, have 60% fewer heart attacks."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think
"I would divide that up into two questions. In terms of emotion regulation as a practical matter, you have a lot of control. You have to develop that."
Clay Skipper
The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think

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