Christine Lagorio-Chafkin


"I didn't know who Paul Graham was, but after the talk I said, ""Hey, Dr. Graham,"" and told him it would be worth the cost of buying him a drink if he'd listen to us talk about our start-up."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"He said, ""You came all the way up from Virginia? Sure."" He ended up inviting us to an interview for Y Combinator, which no one had heard of at the time."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"The night of the interview, Paul called me and said, ""I'm sorry, we're not accepting you."" That sucked. Really sucked. So we got drunk. Really drunk."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"""You guys need to build the front page of the Internet."""
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"We built Reddit in three weeks. It was just Web links and text submitted by users, with Interesting or Uninteresting buttons that you could click on underneath."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"The acquisition by Condé Nast basically started with a Halloween party, where we met a reporter who introduced me to a freelancer for Wired who told her boss about us."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"Paul was thrilled. We were one of the first start-ups to launch in Y Combinator, and now we were the first significant acquisition."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"""I want to stay hungry. I really believe my resources are best used to help projects that make the world suck less."""
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"I believe wealth is a means to an end, and wealth has never made me happy, only comfortable."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit
"We took a trip to D.C. We went around to senators and representatives and told them our stories. I was invited on MSNBC, then it was other TV shows for two days straight."
Christine Lagorio-Chafkin
How I Did It: Alexis Ohanian, Reddit

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