Bianca Esmond


"For me, the answer lies in community, routine and personalization."
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
"Improving customer loyalty by 5% can increase profits by 75-95%."
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
"Your regulars account for at least a third of your total revenue."
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
"SevenRooms research shows that 51% of Americans say their waiter remembering them would make their experience more memorable."
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
"There are everyday regulars. They tend to value routine. Same spot, same drink, same dish exactly how they like it."
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
"there are people who will come for special occasions. They don’t come in as often, maybe just for a birthday or anniversary, but they will spend more and bring friends"
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back
"It should be somewhere you go to feel part of the place where you live, work or hang out."
Bianca Esmond
Why People Become Restaurant Regulars… And How To Keep Them Coming Back

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