
Polymath | Inspired By The Future | Minimalist living


"The first steam-powered locomotive was invented in 1804, and by the 1820s, steam-powered trains were in regular use. This revolutionized transportation, making it faster, cheaper, and more reliable."
The Next Century of Transportation: From Horse-drawn Carriages to Flying Taxis to Teleportation
"In the late 19th century, the internal combustion engine was invented, and the first automobiles were built."
The Next Century of Transportation: From Horse-drawn Carriages to Flying Taxis to Teleportation
"While space travel is still in its infancy, it could become a more common form of transportation in the next 100 years."
The Next Century of Transportation: From Horse-drawn Carriages to Flying Taxis to Teleportation
"In quantum teleportation, this is done by entangling two particles and then using one particle to transmit information about the other. The result is that the second particle effectively ""appears"" at the new location, without physically traveling through the space in between."
The Next Century of Transportation: From Horse-drawn Carriages to Flying Taxis to Teleportation
"There are also questions about the safety of teleportation, particularly when it comes to the transfer of biological matter (think: Star Trek transporter accidents)."
The Next Century of Transportation: From Horse-drawn Carriages to Flying Taxis to Teleportation

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