Austen Allred

Austen Allred

Austen Allred is the Co-Founder and CEO of Lambda School. Before founding Lambda School, Austen was the co-founder of media platform GrassWire. He co-authored the growth hacking textbook Secret Sauce, which became a best-seller and provided him the personal seed money to build Lambda.


"I thoroughly believe that the only way the country will be able to move forward and train this and future generations is by not only reducing the cost of higher education, but by eliminating the risk of higher education."
Austen Allred
Why We Started Lambda School
"We need to align the incentives of the school with the incentives of the student."
Austen Allred
Why We Started Lambda School
"If, for some reason, you don’t get a job that pays over that amount, or you don’t end up working in the industry you train for, you never pay us a dime. It is literally a risk-free education. We don’t even require a deposit."
Austen Allred
Why We Started Lambda School
"The difference of business model is subtle, but it’s important."
Austen Allred
Why We Started Lambda School
"Lambda School doesn’t just train people; Lambda School bets on them."
Austen Allred
Why We Started Lambda School

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