Anthony Hilder


"The perspective scale is a measure of how we see the world. Are we visionary, focusing on tomorrow, or are we pragmatic, focusing on today?"
Anthony Hilder
Ten Leadership Styles That Make A Difference In Church - Anthony Hilder
"The focus scale measures our default priority. Are we relational, prioritising connection with people, or are we outcome-focused, focusing on completion of task?"
Anthony Hilder
Ten Leadership Styles That Make A Difference In Church - Anthony Hilder
"The framework scale measures our navigation and interaction with the world. Are we methodical, valuing organisation, or are we flexible, valuing improvisation and adaptation?"
Anthony Hilder
Ten Leadership Styles That Make A Difference In Church - Anthony Hilder
"The perception scale measures our response to events. Are we confident, thinking clearly and having convictions, or are we sensitive, valuing deep thinking and responsiveness?"
Anthony Hilder
Ten Leadership Styles That Make A Difference In Church - Anthony Hilder
"the engagement scale measures how we are energised within the world. Are we active, energised by proactivity, and taking the initiative? Or are we introspective, preferring reflection and pondering?"
Anthony Hilder
Ten Leadership Styles That Make A Difference In Church - Anthony Hilder
"Romans 12:8 tells us that those with the gift of leadership should lead with zeal. The Greek word here carries a sense of urgency or wholeheartedness. Biblically, we are called to lead in all our fullness!"
Anthony Hilder
Ten Leadership Styles That Make A Difference In Church - Anthony Hilder

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