Creativity is a powerful force that has the ability to shape our world in profound ways. It fuels innovation, drives progress, and brings beauty and meaning to our lives. However, for many creatives, turning their passion into a sustainable career can be a daunting task. That's where The Big Idea comes in.

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 01, 2023

3 min read


Creativity is a powerful force that has the ability to shape our world in profound ways. It fuels innovation, drives progress, and brings beauty and meaning to our lives. However, for many creatives, turning their passion into a sustainable career can be a daunting task. That's where The Big Idea comes in.

The Big Idea is an online hub that is dedicated to helping creatives in Aotearoa make sustainable careers. With over 50,000 members, 1.4 million page views, and 35,000 social media followers, it is the largest and leading online resource for the arts in New Zealand. The platform provides a wide range of resources and support, including news, updates, job opportunities, events, and inspiration from across the creative industries.

One of the key areas of focus for The Big Idea is communication design. They recently posted a job listing for a Lecturer in Communication Design in Dunedin Central, Otago. This position requires expertise in graphic design, branding and marketing, print production, exhibition design and production, and professional design practice. This highlights the importance of these skills in the field of communication design and the demand for professionals who possess them.

The connection between The Big Idea and the job listing in Dunedin Central, Otago is clear - both are focused on supporting and promoting creativity in the field of design. The Big Idea aims to provide resources and opportunities for creatives to accelerate their success, while the job listing in Dunedin Central, Otago seeks to find a qualified individual who can contribute to the field of communication design through their expertise and knowledge.

This connection also underscores the value and importance of creativity in today's world. Creativity is not just a luxury or a hobby - it is a vital skill that is in high demand across industries. Whether it's designing a logo, creating an advertising campaign, or developing a new product, creativity is at the heart of innovation and success. By valuing and nurturing creativity, we can unlock new possibilities and drive positive change.

With this in mind, here are three actionable pieces of advice for creatives looking to make a sustainable career:

  • 1. Invest in your skills: The field of design is constantly evolving, so it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. Take the time to learn new skills, attend workshops and conferences, and seek out mentors who can help you grow and develop as a professional.
  • 2. Network and collaborate: Building a strong network of connections is crucial in the creative industry. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and reach out to fellow creatives for collaboration opportunities. Not only can this lead to new job opportunities, but it can also provide valuable support and inspiration along the way.
  • 3. Embrace failure and learn from it: Creativity involves taking risks and pushing boundaries, which means that failure is inevitable at times. Instead of letting failures discourage you, embrace them as opportunities for growth and learning. Reflect on what went wrong, make adjustments, and keep moving forward. Remember that every successful creative has faced their fair share of setbacks - it's all part of the journey.

In conclusion, The Big Idea and the job listing in Dunedin Central, Otago highlight the importance of valuing creativity and providing support for creatives looking to make sustainable careers. By investing in their skills, networking and collaborating, and embracing failure as a learning opportunity, creatives can accelerate their success and make a lasting impact in the field of design. So, whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, remember that your creativity has the power to shape the world - embrace it, nurture it, and watch it flourish.

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