The Big Idea is an online hub that aims to support creatives in building sustainable careers. With a focus on providing news, updates, job opportunities, events, and inspiration from the creative industries, they have become the leading resource for the arts in New Zealand. Their platform boasts over 50,000 members, 1.4 million page views, 35,000 social media followers, and 1.8 million email newsletters sent annually. The Big Idea's kaupapa, or mission, is to help individuals and organizations in Aotearoa create their own success.

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jul 17, 2023

3 min read


The Big Idea is an online hub that aims to support creatives in building sustainable careers. With a focus on providing news, updates, job opportunities, events, and inspiration from the creative industries, they have become the leading resource for the arts in New Zealand. Their platform boasts over 50,000 members, 1.4 million page views, 35,000 social media followers, and 1.8 million email newsletters sent annually. The Big Idea's kaupapa, or mission, is to help individuals and organizations in Aotearoa create their own success.

While The Big Idea focuses on the creative industry, there is a larger movement towards valuing creativity in various fields. The power and value of creativity have been recognized across industries and are seen as crucial elements for success. Whether it's in the arts, technology, or business, creativity is often the driving force behind innovation and growth.

But how can we ensure that creativity is valued and nurtured in a society that often prioritizes other skills and metrics? One way is through the support and resources provided by platforms like The Big Idea. By connecting creatives with job opportunities, events, and inspiration, they help individuals and organizations thrive in their creative endeavors.

Another aspect to consider is the future of technology and its impact on creativity. The rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has sparked discussions about the ownership and value of digital assets. NFTs provide a way for artists to monetize their work in the digital realm, allowing for unique and verifiable ownership. This opens up new possibilities for creatives to showcase and sell their work, potentially reshaping the traditional art market.

However, as we look towards a decentralized future, there are challenges that need to be addressed. The onboarding process for non-technical individuals into decentralized systems can be daunting. Interacting with public blockchains requires a certain level of technical knowledge, which can be a barrier for many. To overcome this, we need user-friendly onboarding solutions that simplify the process and make it accessible to a wider audience.

Incorporating a "easy button" onboarding solution will be crucial in bringing decentralized systems to the masses. By providing a user-friendly interface and simplifying the complex processes, more people will be able to participate in the decentralized revolution. This initial centralization and reliance on custodial systems may be necessary to onboard the next 100 million users. It's a trade-off between decentralization and accessibility, but one that is necessary for widespread adoption.

In conclusion, valuing creativity and accelerating success go hand in hand. Platforms like The Big Idea play a crucial role in supporting creatives and providing the resources they need to thrive. Additionally, the rise of NFTs and the potential of decentralized systems offer new opportunities for artists and creators. However, to bring these innovations to a wider audience, user-friendly onboarding solutions are essential. By simplifying the process and making it accessible to non-technical individuals, we can ensure that creativity is valued and celebrated in the decentralized future.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Explore platforms like The Big Idea to connect with job opportunities, events, and inspiration in your creative field.
  • 2. Educate yourself about NFTs and the potential they hold for artists and creators. Consider how you can leverage this technology to showcase and monetize your work.
  • 3. Keep an eye out for user-friendly onboarding solutions that make it easier to participate in decentralized systems. By staying informed and adopting these solutions, you can be at the forefront of the decentralized revolution.

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