The Secrets Behind Finland's Successful Education System and Lessons for Improvement

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 25, 2024

3 min read


The Secrets Behind Finland's Successful Education System and Lessons for Improvement


Finland's education system has gained global recognition for its remarkable success, leaving many countries, including the United States, in awe. This article will explore the key factors that contribute to Finland's educational achievements and how they differ from other nations. We will also draw insights from a book titled "I Heard What You Said" by a black male teacher, highlighting the challenges faced by marginalized individuals within the British education system. By examining both cases, we can identify common points and actionable advice for improving education worldwide.

1. Teacher Quality and Professionalism:

One of the primary reasons behind Finland's educational success is its emphasis on teacher quality and professionalism. In Finland, educators are carefully selected from the top 10 percent of graduates and are required to earn a master's degree in education. This rigorous process ensures that teachers are highly knowledgeable and skilled in their subject areas. Additionally, Finnish teachers have autonomy and respect, which motivates them to succeed. This approach stands in contrast to the British education system, where marginalized teachers may face additional challenges due to biases and lack of support.

Actionable Advice:

  • Prioritize teacher training and professional development to enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • Foster a culture of respect and autonomy for teachers to boost their motivation and job satisfaction.
  • Implement diversity and inclusion training programs to address biases and support marginalized teachers.

2. Emphasis on Equality and Individualized Learning:

Finland's educational philosophy revolves around equality and individualized learning. The country focuses on providing equal opportunities for all students, regardless of their background or abilities. Finland's schools are publicly funded, and all students have access to the same national goals and curriculum. Moreover, the Finnish education system aims to catch and support struggling students, ensuring that the differences between the weakest and strongest students are minimal. This approach promotes a sense of inclusivity and reduces the achievement gap.

Actionable Advice:

  • Prioritize equality in education by providing equal access to resources and opportunities for all students.
  • Implement individualized learning approaches to cater to the diverse needs and abilities of students.
  • Foster a supportive and inclusive learning environment to ensure the success of all students, regardless of their background.

3. Holistic Approach and Focus on Play:

Finland's education system takes a holistic approach, valuing not only academic success but also the overall well-being of students. Finnish students spend fewer hours at school and have minimal homework, allowing them ample time for play and outdoor activities. Play is considered an essential part of a child's development and is incorporated into the curriculum. This approach contrasts with the British education system, which often prioritizes standardized tests and academic pressure.

Actionable Advice:

  • Promote a holistic approach to education by emphasizing the importance of students' well-being and mental health.
  • Incorporate play and outdoor activities into the curriculum to enhance creativity, problem-solving, and social skills.
  • Reduce academic pressure and focus on creating a balanced learning environment that nurtures both academic and non-academic skills.


Finland's successful education system offers valuable insights and lessons for improvement in education worldwide. By prioritizing teacher quality, equality, individualized learning, and a holistic approach, countries can work towards creating better educational opportunities for all students. Additionally, addressing the challenges faced by marginalized individuals within the education system, as highlighted in "I Heard What You Said," is crucial for creating a truly inclusive and equitable learning environment. By implementing the actionable advice provided, we can strive towards a future where every student has access to quality education, regardless of their background.

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