The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Creative Professionals in the Education System

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Dec 22, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Creative Professionals in the Education System


The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various industries, including the creative sector. However, concerns have been raised regarding the implications of AI-generated art on copyright laws and the potential impact on creative professionals. Additionally, the experiences of marginalized individuals within the education system, such as black male teachers, shed light on the need for diverse perspectives and inclusive approaches. This article explores the intersection of AI and creative professionals within the education system, addressing legal concerns, unique perspectives, and actionable advice.

Legal Concerns Surrounding AI-Generated Art:

One major concern for creative professionals is the copyright issues associated with AI-generated art. While AI can create stunning pieces, it often relies on existing artwork found on the internet. This raises questions about the legality of using copyrighted material in the AI's learning algorithm. Consequently, AI-generated art cannot be copyrighted, leaving artists and creators without legal protection. Finding a balance between AI's capabilities and copyright laws is crucial to ensure fair compensation for artists and protect intellectual property rights.

Unique Perspectives on the Education System:

In the book "I Heard What You Said," a black male teacher shares his experiences and sheds light on the challenges faced by marginalized individuals in the British education system. This teacher's unique perspective highlights the importance of diversity in education. Including diverse voices and experiences within the education system allows for a more inclusive and comprehensive approach to teaching. Recognizing the marginalized individuals' experiences can lead to a better understanding of the needs of all students and promote a more equitable learning environment.

Connecting AI and Education:

The integration of AI in the education system can have both positive and negative impacts. AI can provide personalized learning experiences, identify areas where students need additional support, and enhance the efficiency of administrative tasks. However, it is essential to strike a balance between AI's capabilities and the role of human educators. While AI can support teaching, it cannot replace the unique qualities that human teachers bring, such as empathy, creativity, and adaptability. Collaborative efforts between AI and educators can lead to a more effective and inclusive education system.

Actionable Advice for Creative Professionals and Educators:

  • 1. Stay informed and adapt: Creative professionals should stay updated on the latest developments in AI-generated art and copyright laws. Understanding the legal implications can help navigate potential challenges and protect their work. Similarly, educators should familiarize themselves with AI integration in the education system, stay informed about its limitations, and adapt their teaching approaches accordingly.
  • 2. Embrace collaboration: Rather than perceiving AI as a threat, creative professionals and educators can benefit from collaborating with AI technologies. Creative professionals can explore ways to incorporate AI-generated art into their work, using it as a tool for inspiration or experimentation. Educators can leverage AI to enhance personalized learning experiences and streamline administrative tasks, allowing them to focus more on student engagement and individualized instruction.
  • 3. Advocate for diversity and inclusion: Both creative professionals and educators have a role in advocating for diversity and inclusion within their respective fields. Creative professionals can use their platforms to promote diverse voices and perspectives, ensuring that AI-generated art reflects the richness of human experiences. Educators can actively seek out diverse resources, texts, and teaching methods that cater to the needs of all students, fostering an inclusive learning environment.


The intersection of AI and creative professionals within the education system presents both challenges and opportunities. Addressing the legal concerns surrounding AI-generated art and ensuring fair compensation for artists is crucial. Additionally, embracing diverse perspectives and inclusive approaches within the education system can lead to more equitable and effective learning experiences. By staying informed, embracing collaboration, and advocating for diversity, both creative professionals and educators can navigate the evolving landscape and harness the potential of AI to enhance their respective fields while preserving the unique qualities that make them invaluable.

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