The Intersection of Cognitive Biases and Universal Secrets: Unraveling the Design of Products

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Nov 09, 2023

4 min read


The Intersection of Cognitive Biases and Universal Secrets: Unraveling the Design of Products


Cognitive biases are deeply ingrained in our perception and decision-making processes. These biases arise due to the influence of our environment, leading to systematic errors in our thinking. Interestingly, even intelligence exacerbates these biases, as our sharp intellect tends to work on biased data, resulting in flawed conclusions. In this article, we will explore the connection between cognitive biases and the secrets of the universe, as we delve into the design of products.

Cognitive Biases: A Hindrance to Well-Designed Products:

The impact of cognitive biases on product design cannot be underestimated. These biases shape our understanding of user needs and influence the decisions made during the design process. Let's explore some common cognitive biases that often lead to poorly designed products.

Confirmation Bias: Our Minds at Play

Confirmation bias is the tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs while overlooking contradictory evidence. In the context of product design, this bias can lead to the creation of products that cater only to a specific target audience, ignoring the needs and preferences of a broader user base. Overcoming confirmation bias requires designers to actively seek diverse perspectives and challenge their own assumptions.

Anchoring Bias: The Power of First Impressions

Anchoring bias refers to the tendency of individuals to rely too heavily on the first piece of information they receive when making decisions. In the realm of product design, this bias can lead to the fixation on certain features or design elements, without considering alternative possibilities. Designers must strive to break free from the initial anchor and explore a wider range of options to ensure a more comprehensive and innovative product.

Loss Aversion: The Fear of Letting Go

Loss aversion is the cognitive bias that makes us fear losses more than we value gains. In the context of product design, this bias can result in the reluctance to remove or change existing features, even if they no longer serve their purpose or hinder user experience. To combat loss aversion, designers should adopt a user-centric approach, continuously evaluating and refining their products based on user feedback and evolving needs.

Universal Secrets: Insights from Nikola Tesla and Bitcoin:

In the pursuit of understanding cognitive biases, we stumble upon the intriguing concept of the secrets of the universe, as envisioned by Nikola Tesla and hinted at by the enigmatic nature of Bitcoin.

Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor, believed that the key to unraveling the universe lay in the concepts of energy, frequency, and vibration. He believed that these elements held the secrets to unlocking a deeper understanding of the cosmos. Similarly, Bitcoin, the revolutionary digital currency, operates on the principles of cryptography and mathematical algorithms, with numbers such as 3, 6, and 9 holding significant importance.

While seemingly unrelated, these concepts offer us a fresh perspective on the design of products. Just as Tesla sought to uncover the secrets of the universe, designers must also strive to uncover the hidden needs and desires of users. By embracing the power of energy, frequency, and vibration, designers can tap into the essence of user experiences, creating products that resonate on a profound level.

Actionable Advice: Designing with Purpose

  • 1. Embrace Diversity: Actively seek out diverse perspectives and challenge your own biases when designing products. By incorporating a broad range of viewpoints, you can create products that cater to a wider audience and address a multitude of needs.
  • 2. Iterate and Evolve: Do not fear change. Continuously evaluate and refine your products based on user feedback and evolving needs. Let go of features that no longer serve their purpose and embrace innovation to create products that are truly transformative.
  • 3. Harness the Essence: Consider the intangible aspects of user experiences. Tap into the energy, frequency, and vibration that underlie human interactions with products. By designing with purpose and a deep understanding of these elements, you can create products that resonate emotionally and intellectually with users.


Cognitive biases, with their ability to distort our thinking, are a pervasive challenge in the design of products. However, by acknowledging and actively addressing these biases, designers can mitigate their impact and create more effective and user-centric products. Moreover, by drawing inspiration from the secrets of the universe, as exemplified by the visionary ideas of Nikola Tesla and the innovative nature of Bitcoin, designers can unlock new avenues of creativity and elevate their designs to an extraordinary level. So, let us embrace diversity, iterate and evolve, and harness the essence of user experiences as we embark on the journey of designing products that truly resonate with users.

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