The Connection between Cognitive Biases and Poorly Designed Products

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jun 21, 2023

2 min read


The Connection between Cognitive Biases and Poorly Designed Products

Cognitive biases are prevalent in our thinking and decision-making processes. They affect our ability to make rational and objective decisions. In the world of product design, cognitive biases can be particularly damaging. They can lead to poorly designed products that fail to meet the needs and expectations of the target audience. Inverted Passion is one such cognitive bias that can lead to such outcomes.

Inverted Passion is the tendency to design products based on the designer's preferences rather than the needs of the target audience. This bias can lead to products that are aesthetically pleasing but functionally inadequate. For instance, a designer may create a product with a sleek and minimalist design, but it may lack essential features that the target audience requires. This bias can be overcome by involving the target audience in the design process and conducting user research.

Samir Amin was an Egyptian-French Marxist economist who wrote extensively on issues related to development, imperialism, and global capitalism. While seemingly unrelated to cognitive biases and product design, Amin's work sheds light on the underlying power dynamics that influence decision-making processes. In the context of product design, these power dynamics can manifest in the form of corporate interests, profit motives, and market pressures.

These power dynamics can lead to a situation where the interests of the designer or corporation take precedence over those of the target audience. This can result in products that are designed to maximize profits rather than cater to the needs of the user. To overcome this bias, designers must be mindful of the power dynamics that exist within their organizations and strive to prioritize the needs of the target audience over corporate interests.

In conclusion, cognitive biases and power dynamics can lead to poorly designed products that fail to meet the needs and expectations of the target audience. To overcome these biases, designers must involve the target audience in the design process, conduct user research, and prioritize the needs of the user over corporate interests. By doing so, they can create products that are both aesthetically pleasing and functionally adequate. Samir Amin's work serves as a reminder of the importance of being mindful of the underlying power dynamics that influence decision-making processes in all fields, including product design.

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