"Creating Inclusive Healthcare Content: A Guide for Neurodivergent Audiences"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Feb 05, 2024

3 min read


"Creating Inclusive Healthcare Content: A Guide for Neurodivergent Audiences"


In today's digital age, the importance of creating inclusive content cannot be overstated. For healthcare providers, catering to the needs of diverse audiences, including neurodivergent individuals, is not just a matter of empathy but also a legal obligation. This article explores the concept of creating healthcare content with a neurodivergent audience in mind, highlighting the significance of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and drawing inspiration from Claude Lévi-Strauss's memoir, "Tristes Tropiques."

Section 508 and the Support for Neurodiverse Individuals:

Section 508 was introduced in 1998, with the most recent update in 2018, to ensure that technology is accessible to all individuals, regardless of disabilities. While hospitals and health systems may not be directly governed by the federal government, they are still required to comply with Section 508. This compliance extends to creating content that takes into account the needs of neurodivergent audiences.

Understanding "Tristes Tropiques" and its Relevance:

"Tristes Tropiques," written by Claude Lévi-Strauss, is a memoir that was first published in France in 1955. Lévi-Strauss, an anthropologist and structuralist, documents his journeys and anthropological work, primarily focusing on Brazil. However, the book goes beyond travelogue and delves into philosophical reflections and interdisciplinary connections with sociology, geology, music, history, and literature. By exploring diverse fields, Lévi-Strauss emphasizes the importance of embracing different perspectives, which can be applied to creating healthcare content for neurodivergent individuals.

Finding Common Points and Making Natural Connections:

Just as "Tristes Tropiques" intertwines various academic disciplines, healthcare content for neurodivergent audiences can benefit from a multidimensional approach. By finding common ground between different aspects of healthcare, such as mental health, physical well-being, and accessibility, content creators can provide a comprehensive experience for neurodivergent individuals. For example, an article discussing the benefits of exercise for mental health could also touch upon the importance of creating inclusive exercise spaces that cater to various sensory needs.

Incorporating Unique Ideas and Insights:

To truly engage with a neurodivergent audience, healthcare content creators can incorporate unique ideas and insights. By featuring personal stories and experiences of neurodivergent individuals, readers can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges they face. Additionally, exploring alternative therapies and approaches to healthcare, such as art therapy or sensory integration techniques, can provide fresh perspectives and inspire innovative content creation.

Actionable Advice for Creating Inclusive Healthcare Content:

  • 1. Conduct Research: Before creating healthcare content for neurodivergent audiences, it is crucial to conduct thorough research. This includes understanding the specific needs, preferences, and challenges faced by different neurodivergent individuals. By gaining insights into their experiences, content creators can tailor their content accordingly.
  • 2. Use Visual Aids: Visual aids, such as infographics or diagrams, can greatly enhance the accessibility of healthcare content. Neurodivergent individuals often respond well to visual information, as it helps them process complex concepts more easily. Incorporating visually appealing elements can make the content more engaging and understandable for this audience.
  • 3. Provide Clear and Concise Information: Neurodivergent individuals may have difficulty processing large amounts of information or navigating complex language. It is important to present healthcare content in a clear and concise manner. Using plain language, breaking down complex topics into smaller sections, and providing summaries or bullet points can help make the content more accessible and digestible.


Creating inclusive healthcare content for neurodivergent audiences is not only a legal requirement but also a moral imperative. By understanding the principles of Section 508 and drawing inspiration from diverse sources like "Tristes Tropiques," content creators can develop engaging and accessible materials. By conducting research, incorporating visual aids, and presenting information clearly, healthcare providers can ensure that their content reaches and resonates with neurodivergent individuals. Through these actionable steps, we can foster a more inclusive healthcare environment for all.

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