The Intersection of the Neurodiversity Movement and Business: Exploring Colonization and Technological Advancements

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Mar 24, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of the Neurodiversity Movement and Business: Exploring Colonization and Technological Advancements


The Neurodiversity Movement has made significant strides in shaping the discourse around neurodivergent individuals and promoting inclusivity. Its power lies in its decentralized and leaderless structure, allowing individuals and social enterprises to have a voice and influence policies. However, there are concerns about the movement being colonized by business interests, and the impact of technological advancements like ChatGPT on knowledge production. In this article, we will explore the connection between the Neurodiversity Movement and business, and the potential implications it holds.

The Neurodiversity Movement: A Leaderless Network:

One of the defining characteristics of the Neurodiversity Movement is its lack of centralized leadership. This structure allows for diverse perspectives to be heard and empowers individuals and social enterprises to contribute to the discourse. By shaping the policies of corporations, institutions, and even governments, the movement has successfully brought about positive change. Its influence has been far-reaching, even without the need for a self-appointed leadership group.

The Threat of Colonization:

While the Neurodiversity Movement has flourished in its decentralized form, there are concerns about the colonization of the movement by business interests. Historically, colonizers saw themselves as superior and believed they were bringing civilization and converting others to their way of life. In the context of the movement, this can manifest through the imposition of external leadership and the exploitation of neurodivergent individuals for profit. It is essential to ensure that the movement remains true to its values of self-realization, independence, and fair representation.

Identifying Neurocolonizers:

To safeguard the integrity of the Neurodiversity Movement, it is crucial to identify potential neurocolonizers. These individuals or organizations may present themselves as champions of the movement, promising global influence for the common good. However, their true intentions may be driven by personal gain or the desire to control the discourse. Common characteristics of neurocolonizers may include being male, autistic computer coders, and positioning themselves as the sole representative of the movement. Vigilance and critical thinking are necessary to protect the movement from being co-opted by those who seek to exploit it.

The Impact of Technological Advancements:

Technological advancements, such as ChatGPT, have the potential to revolutionize knowledge production. The widespread availability of cheaper and accessible tools empowers individuals from various backgrounds, including marketers, coders, salespeople, and everyday individuals, to enhance their productivity. However, while these advancements can be beneficial, there is a need to strike a balance between efficiency and quality. Cheaper services may serve the purpose but might not offer the same level of excellence as premium services. It is important to recognize the value of specialized expertise and not compromise on quality when it is necessary.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Preserve the Movement's Independence: Uphold the principles of the Neurodiversity Movement by valuing independence and innovation on one's own terms. Avoid aligning too closely with all-encompassing brand names or individuals who claim to be the sole spokesperson for the movement.
  • 2. Stay Vigilant Against Neurocolonizers: Be cautious of individuals who approach with grand offers of global influence for the common good. Scrutinize their intentions and ensure they are genuinely committed to the movement's values before getting involved.
  • 3. Embrace Technological Advancements Mindfully: While technological advancements like ChatGPT offer convenience and productivity, be mindful of compromising quality for the sake of affordability. Recognize the value of specialized expertise when necessary and strike a balance between efficiency and excellence.


The Neurodiversity Movement has reshaped the discourse around neurodivergent individuals and created opportunities for inclusivity. However, it faces the risk of being colonized by business interests seeking to exploit its moral power and influence. It is crucial to remain vigilant and protect the movement's independence and values. Moreover, technological advancements like ChatGPT offer immense potential but should be embraced mindfully to ensure the preservation of quality and expertise. By actively engaging in these practices, we can continue to drive positive change and empower neurodivergent individuals in society.

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