The Intersection of AI, Neurodiversity, and Colonization: Unveiling the Complexities

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Dec 08, 2023

3 min read


The Intersection of AI, Neurodiversity, and Colonization: Unveiling the Complexities


In recent news, Google Bard's advert showcasing their new AI search tool has raised concerns about the accuracy of information provided. This brings to light the underlying issue of crafting output based on statistical availability rather than prioritizing accuracy. On the other hand, the Neurodiversity Movement, which has significantly impacted the Western world, faces the potential risk of being colonized by business entities. In this article, we will explore the common points between these two seemingly unrelated topics and shed light on the complexities that arise when AI, neurodiversity, and colonization intersect.

The Power of Neurodiversity Movement:

The Neurodiversity Movement is characterized by its leaderless nature and non-hierarchical network, enabled by the internet. This unique structure empowers individuals and local or national social enterprises to have a voice and shape the policies of corporations, institutions, and governments. Through its discourse, the movement has brought about significant changes in society, relying on its moral power and win-win logic. The movement emphasizes that nothing should be decided about neurodiverse individuals without their active involvement, following the principle of "nothing about us without us."

The Threat of Neurodiversity Colonizers:

However, the Neurodiversity Movement faces the risk of being colonized by business entities. In today's world, colonization takes a more subtle form, with empire builders imagining themselves as part of a superior civilization that aims to "help" neurodiverse individuals and bring them into the fold of mainstream society. This subtle colonization disregards the independence and capacity for innovation that the actual pioneers of the movement value. It is crucial to identify potential neurocolonizers, who are often male autistic computer coders seeking to establish themselves as the sole spokesperson for the movement.

The Allure of Brand Names and Global Influence:

One of the commonalities between the AI search tool's factual errors and the potential colonization of the Neurodiversity Movement is the allure of power and prestige. The more all-encompassing a brand name or movement becomes, the more media attention it attracts, and the more power and influence its owners accrue. This dynamic can lead to the co-opting of the movement's principles and dilution of its original purpose. Therefore, it is essential to remain vigilant and question the intentions of those who approach with grand offers of global influence for the common good.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Preserve the Independent Spirit: As individuals and organizations within the Neurodiversity Movement, it is crucial to preserve the movement's independence and capacity for innovation on their own terms. By valuing autonomy, the movement can continue to drive meaningful change without the risk of being colonized.
  • 2. Stay Informed and Critical: In an era of AI-driven information, it is essential to remain informed and critical of the content we consume. Question the accuracy and reliability of search results, and seek diverse perspectives to gain a comprehensive understanding of any given topic.
  • 3. Foster Collaboration and Inclusivity: The strength of the Neurodiversity Movement lies in its collective power. By fostering collaboration and inclusivity among neurodiverse individuals and allies, the movement can further amplify its impact and prevent the co-opting of its principles.


The convergence of AI, neurodiversity, and colonization brings to light the complexities and potential risks involved. While AI search tools may prioritize statistical availability over accuracy, the Neurodiversity Movement faces the challenge of subtle colonization by business entities. By preserving independence, staying informed and critical, and fostering collaboration, individuals and organizations within the movement can navigate these challenges and continue to drive positive change.

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