The Power of Evidence-Based Marketing and the Zettelkasten Method

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Dec 15, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Evidence-Based Marketing and the Zettelkasten Method


In the ever-changing landscape of marketing, it is crucial for marketers to make informed decisions based on evidence. This is where the power of evidence-based marketing comes into play. At WARC, a leading marketing intelligence company, evidence is at the heart of every marketing decision, empowering marketers to navigate any challenge with confidence. With a community of over 75,000 marketers in more than 1,200 companies across 100+ markets, WARC has established itself as a trusted resource for marketers worldwide.

The Zettelkasten Method:

While evidence-based marketing focuses on making decisions based on solid data and insights, the Zettelkasten method offers a unique approach to knowledge management and idea generation. The Zettelkasten method, which is software-independent, encourages individuals to maintain their independence from software tools and instead focuses on capturing knowledge in a structured manner.

Components of a Zettel:

A Zettel, or an individual note, consists of three essential components. Firstly, it requires a unique identifier that gives it an unambiguous address within the knowledge system. Secondly, the body of the Zettel is where one captures the piece of knowledge or idea. It is crucial to write the body of the Zettel in one's own words, promoting increased understanding and recall of the information. Finally, the Zettel includes a reference section at the bottom, where external sources are cited to acknowledge the origin of the captured knowledge.

The Importance of Using Your Own Words:

One of the core rules of the Zettelkasten method is to use your own words when capturing knowledge. This ensures that the content of your Zettelkasten is unique to you and not merely a collection of thoughts from others. By paraphrasing or rewording information, you are forced to engage with the material on a deeper level, leading to a better understanding of the concepts. This personalized approach enhances the effectiveness of the Zettelkasten as a knowledge management system.

The Length and Focus of a Zettel:

The length of a Zettel is determined by the objective one aims to achieve. The Zettelkasten method encourages limiting each Zettel to one thought or idea, allowing for focused thinking and improved recall. By breaking down complex concepts into individual Zettel, marketers can create molecules of knowledge that can be easily connected and accessed when needed. It is important to strike a balance between taking broad notes and focusing on current projects, using current projects as golden threads to guide the workflow while allowing room for deviation.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Evidence-Based Marketing: Incorporate evidence and data-driven insights into your marketing decision-making process. By utilizing tools and resources like WARC, you can navigate challenges with confidence and make informed choices.
  • 2. Implement the Zettelkasten Method: Consider adopting the Zettelkasten method as a knowledge management system. By capturing knowledge in your own words and organizing it with unique identifiers, you can enhance your understanding, recall, and creativity.
  • 3. Find Your Balance: Determine the level of focus and deviation that works best for your circumstances. While it is important to stay on track with current projects, allowing for some deviation can lead to new insights and connections. Adapt the Zettelkasten method to suit your personality and deadlines.


In a rapidly evolving marketing landscape, evidence-based decision-making is essential for success. By leveraging the power of evidence and data, marketers can make informed choices that drive results. Additionally, the Zettelkasten method offers a unique approach to knowledge management, encouraging individuals to capture ideas in their own words and create a personalized system of interconnected knowledge. By incorporating these strategies into your marketing practice, you can navigate challenges, foster creativity, and achieve your goals with confidence.

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