A Deep Dive into the Free Energy Principle and the Zettelkasten Method

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 06, 2024

5 min read


A Deep Dive into the Free Energy Principle and the Zettelkasten Method


In the realms of biophysics and cognitive science, there exists a fascinating mathematical principle known as the free energy principle. This principle has found applications in Bayesian approaches to brain function, as well as certain artificial intelligence methodologies. At its core, the free energy principle provides a formal explanation for the representational capacities of physical systems. It sheds light on why these systems appear to track properties that they are connected to. The principle asserts that the dynamics of physical systems minimize a quantity called surprisal, which is essentially the negative logarithm of the probability of a specific outcome. Another term associated with the free energy principle is "active inference," which is often used in the context of embodied perception-action loops in neuroscience.

Connecting the Dots:

Active inference, a concept closely related to the free energy principle, shares intriguing connections with other theories and domains. One such theory is the good regulator theorem, which explores the concept of self-organization. Active inference also touches upon cybernetics, synergetics, and embodied cognition. These connections highlight the interdisciplinary nature of the principle and its potential applications across various fields.

Additionally, the principle of minimum variational free energy shares similarities with the principle of least action. By expressing free energy as the expected energy of observations under the variational density minus its entropy, it becomes apparent that the principle aligns with the maximum entropy principle. This connection further emphasizes the broad reach of the free energy principle.

Expanding Applications:

The application of active inference, incorporating the techniques of approximate Bayesian inference, extends beyond neuroscience. It has found relevance in sociology, linguistics and communication, semiotics, and even epidemiology. These diverse domains have recognized the value of active inference in inferring causes from sensory data and utilizing these inferences to guide action. The versatility of the principle highlights its potential to revolutionize various fields of study.

The Zettelkasten Method and its Components:

Shifting gears, let's explore the Zettelkasten Method, a note-taking system that emphasizes independence from software and promotes a software-independent approach. At the heart of this method lies the Zettel, an individual note composed of three essential components. First, each Zettel possesses a unique identifier, providing it with an unambiguous address within the note-taking system. Secondly, the body of the Zettel serves as the space for capturing knowledge. It is crucial to write the content in one's own words, which enhances understanding and improves recall. Lastly, the Zettel includes references at the bottom, acknowledging the sources of the captured knowledge.

The Power of Originality:

An integral aspect of the Zettelkasten Method is the use of one's own words when composing the body of the Zettel. This practice encourages the creation of unique versions of existing knowledge, fostering a deeper understanding of the material. By ensuring that the content is original and not merely a compilation of others' thoughts, the Zettelkasten becomes a true reflection of one's intellectual journey.

Determining Zettel Length and Focus:

The length of a Zettel is subjective and should align with one's objectives. While some prefer to limit each Zettel to a single thought, others may choose to incorporate multiple related thoughts. This decision depends on the desired outcome and the individual's thinking process. Nonetheless, it is advisable to prioritize knowledge over mere information when composing Zettels. Enriching the information with relevance contributes to the creation of valuable knowledge within the Zettelkasten.

Balancing Focus and Deviation:

The Zettelkasten Method offers flexibility in terms of focus and deviation. By utilizing current projects as guiding threads, one can strike a balance between staying on track and exploring tangential ideas. The extent of deviation depends on personal preferences and external factors, such as deadlines. Individuals working on time-sensitive projects may opt for minimal deviation, whereas those with more leeway can embrace a broader exploration of ideas. Ultimately, the decision to work with stringent focus or allow for deviation is influenced by individual circumstances.

References and External Sources:

The reference section at the bottom of each Zettel serves as a repository for citing external sources. Whether it be books, articles, or web resources, the footer provides a space to acknowledge the origins of the information captured within the Zettel. This practice ensures proper attribution and facilitates further exploration or verification of the referenced material.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Originality: When utilizing the Zettelkasten Method or engaging with any form of knowledge management, make a conscious effort to express ideas and concepts in your own words. This practice deepens understanding and strengthens cognitive connections.
  • 2. Prioritize Relevance: While capturing information, focus on its relevance to your current projects or areas of interest. By infusing relevance into your notes, you create a more meaningful knowledge base that aligns with your goals.
  • 3. Find Your Balance: Strive to strike a balance between focused work and exploration. Tailor the level of deviation from your main objectives based on your personality, circumstances, and project deadlines. Flexibility and adaptability are key in optimizing your productivity and creativity.


The free energy principle and the Zettelkasten Method may seem unrelated at first glance, but they share common threads of uniqueness, relevance, and adaptability. Both principles encourage individuals to take ownership of their learning and thinking processes. By incorporating these principles into our lives, we can enhance our understanding, optimize our knowledge management, and navigate the complexities of the world with greater clarity and purpose.

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