The Intersection of AI Art and Interbeing: Empowering Creativity and Justice

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Feb 22, 2024

3 min read


The Intersection of AI Art and Interbeing: Empowering Creativity and Justice

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been a transformative force across industries, and the world of art is no exception. In the past, traditional animators held a monopoly on their craft, with CGI and 3D tools seen as inferior alternatives. However, the emergence of new companies with innovative tools and techniques disrupted the animation industry, giving rise to new possibilities and industries like gaming. Similarly, AI art has the potential to democratize art, inspiring more people to engage with it and fostering new avenues of creativity.

Just as the invention of the quartz movement revolutionized watchmaking, AI art has the power to transform the art world. The painstaking craftsmanship and intricate skills of traditional watchmakers were overshadowed by the advent of quartz technology, rendering their once dominant industry almost obsolete. However, the allure of analog watches has only grown stronger, with their historical significance and exclusivity becoming highly coveted. Similarly, the value of art lies not only in the artwork itself but also in its provenance and the emotional connection it evokes.

The rise of AI art does not diminish the role of human artists; instead, it elevates their significance in society. By unlocking new creative possibilities, AI art expands the pool of individuals who can engage with and be inspired by art. This increased appreciation for art can lead to a greater demand for original artwork, ensuring that human artists continue to flourish in the digital age. In many ways, the future of art mirrors the concept of interbeing, where different elements come together to create a unified whole.

Just as Sounds True, a company committed to interbeing, seeks to embody justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion in every aspect of its organizational life, the art world can adopt similar values. AI art can serve as a catalyst for change, promoting justice and equity by providing opportunities for underrepresented artists to showcase their work. By embracing diversity and inclusion, the art industry can break free from the confines of tradition and create a more vibrant and inclusive space.

To achieve this, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace AI as a tool, not a replacement: Rather than viewing AI as a threat to traditional art forms, artists and industry professionals can harness its power to enhance their creative processes. AI algorithms can be used to generate ideas, explore new techniques, and push the boundaries of artistic expression.
  • 2. Foster collaboration and mentorship: Building a community that encourages collaboration and mentorship between AI artists and traditional artists can lead to innovative and groundbreaking artwork. By sharing knowledge and resources, artists can collectively push the boundaries of creativity and inspire each other to reach new heights.
  • 3. Prioritize accessibility and inclusivity: The art world should actively work towards making art accessible to all, regardless of background or identity. This can be achieved by creating platforms and initiatives that amplify underrepresented voices and provide equal opportunities for artists from diverse backgrounds.

In conclusion, the intersection of AI art and interbeing has the potential to revolutionize the art world by empowering creativity and promoting justice. By embracing AI as a tool, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing accessibility, the art industry can create a future where art is valued, celebrated, and accessible to all. Let us walk together on this journey, with humility and conviction, as we shape the future of art.

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