Embracing Chaos and Walking Together: Unleashing Creativity and Accountability

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Jan 11, 2024

3 min read


Embracing Chaos and Walking Together: Unleashing Creativity and Accountability


In the pursuit of creativity and growth, individuals and organizations often find themselves confronted with chaos, adversity, and the need for disruptive thinking. By embracing chaos and walking together in awareness and accountability, we can unlock our creative potential and foster a more inclusive and equitable world. In this article, we will explore the concepts of chaos, disruptive thinking, and the power of walking together to create meaningful change.

Embracing Chaos: Lateral Thinking and Creativity

Renowned authority in creative thinking, De Bono, emphasizes the importance of embracing chaos in the creative process. He introduces the concept of "Lateral Thinking," which involves exploring oblique and outside-the-box approaches to problem-solving. Leaders play a crucial role in this process by giving people the freedom to contribute and explore alternative solutions without fear of criticism. By forgoing obvious approaches and embracing chaos, we can tap into our creative potential and achieve breakthrough innovations.

The Role of Adversity: Catalyst for Growth

Adversity is often seen as a hindrance to creativity, but in reality, it can be a catalyst for growth. The stories of the greatest accomplishments are filled with conflict, obstacles, and adversity that challenge us to make decisions. It is not the adversity itself that thwarts creativity, but rather the feeling of being out of control and lacking creative choices. By accepting that the creative process is chaotic and acknowledging our choices within it, we can navigate adversity and channel it into breakthrough innovation.

Creating Chaos: Brian Eno's Approach to Catalyzing Creativity

Brian Eno, a brilliant musician and producer, has collaborated with some of the greatest artists in rock 'n' roll history. His secret to unlocking creative heights is "creating chaos." Eno's Oblique Strategies, a deck of cards co-invented with painter Peter Schmidt, disrupts the creative process and encourages unique approaches. Each card offers a disruptive strategy, such as "Honor thy error as a hidden intention" or "Make a sudden, destructive, unpredictable action." Eno believes that the more chaos introduced, the greater the creative breakthrough and the masterpiece that emerges.

Walking Together: Interbeing and Accountability

At Sounds True, the principle of interbeing guides their commitment to Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) values. They strive to create a company that walks together with humility and conviction, embodying these values in every aspect of their organizational life. By using their power, reach, and influence, they share resources and provide free educational materials from visionary BIPOC spiritual teachers. This commitment to walking together and creating freedom for others fosters awareness, accountability, and growth.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace chaos in your creative process: Challenge yourself to explore oblique and outside-the-box approaches to problem-solving. Give yourself permission to forgo obvious solutions and explore alternatives.
  • 2. Navigate adversity with creative choices: When faced with adversity, remember that stress arises from feeling out of control and lacking creative choices. Accept the chaotic nature of the creative process and focus on the choices available to you.
  • 3. Foster interbeing and accountability: Commit to embodying JEDI values of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in your personal and professional life. Share resources, collaborate with others, and actively work towards creating freedom for others at every level.


By embracing chaos, disruptive thinking, and walking together in awareness and accountability, we can unleash our creative potential and create meaningful change. The creative process is inherently chaotic, but by accepting this chaos and embracing diverse perspectives, we can achieve breakthrough innovations. Let us commit to walking together with humility and conviction, fostering a more inclusive and equitable world for all.

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