Facebook's Transformation: From News Feed to Discovery Engine

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Aug 04, 2023

3 min read


Facebook's Transformation: From News Feed to Discovery Engine

In an effort to compete with TikTok and provide users with a more immersive and engaging experience, Facebook is planning a major overhaul of its app. The social media giant aims to replicate the success of TikTok's main "For You" page, which offers a never-ending stream of short videos tailored to users' interests. By doing so, Facebook hopes to level the playing field for creators and make content discovery easier for its users.

The News Feed, which recently dropped the "News" from its name, revolutionized social feeds by learning from explicit cues such as friending someone or following a page. However, TikTok took it a step further by analyzing users' passive viewing habits to predict their preferences and deliver a personalized feed. This approach allowed TikTok to present interesting videos to users without the need for them to follow specific accounts.

To emulate this experience, Facebook's future app will feature a main tab that combines Stories and Reels at the top, followed by posts recommended by its discovery engine from both Facebook and Instagram. The focus will be on creating a more visual and video-heavy interface, with clearer prompts for users to direct message friends about a specific post. In a move aimed at emphasizing messaging, Facebook plans to place the Messenger inbox at the top right of the app, undoing the decision to separate it from the main app eight years ago.

This upcoming transformation marks a significant shift for Facebook, which last overhauled its feed experience in 2018. At that time, CEO Mark Zuckerberg emphasized the importance of "meaningful social interactions" between friends and family. However, in its quest for engagement, the platform became saturated with brands attempting to game the algorithm. Zuckerberg recognized the need to return Facebook to its roots, where people connect over content. The focus now is on curating the best content that caters to users' interests and making it easy for them to share, discuss, and connect with others in their network.

To encourage users to engage with one another within the app, Facebook is urging them to message each other about the Reels they see, rather than relying on external apps for conversations. By bringing discussions and interactions within the platform, Facebook aims to foster a more connected and engaged community.

As Facebook undergoes this transformation, it's clear that the company is taking inspiration from TikTok's success. By creating a discovery engine that offers a seamless browsing experience and prioritizes user interests, Facebook hopes to attract and retain a diverse range of creators and users.

In conclusion, here are three actionable pieces of advice for Facebook as it evolves into a discovery engine:

  • 1. Prioritize user interests: By leveraging data and user behavior, Facebook can continue to refine its algorithms to deliver personalized content that resonates with users' individual preferences. This will enhance the overall browsing experience and keep users engaged.
  • 2. Foster community engagement: Encourage users to interact and discuss the content they come across within the app. By promoting conversations and connections, Facebook can create a sense of community and strengthen user loyalty.
  • 3. Support emerging creators: Level the playing field for creators by providing opportunities for them to go viral and gain recognition, even without a large following. This can be achieved by highlighting and recommending content from lesser-known creators, giving them a chance to shine.

As Facebook embraces its new identity as a discovery engine, it is poised to provide users with an engaging, personalized, and visually immersive experience. By drawing inspiration from TikTok and incorporating unique features, the social media giant aims to create a platform that caters to users' diverse interests and fosters meaningful connections.

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