"Celebrating Neurodiversity and Enhancing User Experience: The Power of Inclusion and Discovery"

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 17, 2023

3 min read


"Celebrating Neurodiversity and Enhancing User Experience: The Power of Inclusion and Discovery"


Neurodiversity Celebration Week, initiated by Siena Castellon, has been instrumental in changing the perception surrounding learning differences. Siena, who herself has Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Dyspraxia, aimed to shift the narrative from focusing on the challenges of neurodiversity to highlighting the talents and strengths of neurodiverse individuals. This celebration emphasizes the importance of empowering neurodiverse individuals and fostering a positive self-perception. In a world where many neurodivergent individuals hesitate to disclose their disabilities and parents are hesitant to acknowledge their children's neurological differences, it becomes crucial to establish societal support networks for those who are neurodiverse.

Facebook's Evolution Towards a Discovery Engine:

In an effort to compete with TikTok, Facebook is transforming its user experience by imitating the popular app's main "For You" page. Facebook's News Feed, which previously relied on explicit cues like friending or following to curate content, is now embracing TikTok's model of suggesting content based on passive viewing habits. By removing the need to follow accounts before encountering interesting videos, TikTok has democratized content creation, enabling creators to go viral overnight without a large following. To emulate this experience, the future Facebook app will incorporate a mix of Stories and Reels at the top, followed by posts recommended by its discovery engine from both Facebook and Instagram. This visual and video-centric approach will prompt users to engage with friends through direct messaging, with the Messenger inbox prominently placed within the app.

Enhancing User Engagement and Content Sharing:

Facebook's previous overhaul in 2018 aimed to prioritize meaningful social interactions. However, in the pursuit of engagement, the platform became saturated with brands attempting to gamify its algorithm. Mark Zuckerberg recognized the need to return Facebook to its roots and focus on connecting people over content. The revamped Facebook app seeks to provide users with high-quality content tailored to their interests while facilitating effortless sharing, discussion, and connection within their networks. The goal is to encourage users to discuss and message each other about the Reels they encounter on Facebook, instead of diverting conversations to other apps.

Creating a More Inclusive and Engaging Online Environment:

The convergence of Neurodiversity Celebration Week and Facebook's transformation highlights the significance of inclusion and diversity in shaping online experiences. By celebrating neurodiversity, we foster a culture that recognizes and appreciates the unique talents and strengths of neurodiverse individuals. Simultaneously, Facebook's efforts to become a discovery engine emphasize the importance of creating an engaging and inclusive platform for all users. The incorporation of visual and video-centric content, the integration of messaging features, and the focus on personalized recommendations all contribute to a more immersive and interactive user experience.

Actionable Advice for Promoting Inclusion and Enhancing User Experience:

  • 1. Embrace neurodiversity: Encourage workplaces, educational institutions, and communities to celebrate neurodiversity and recognize the diverse talents and strengths individuals with learning differences bring. By shifting the narrative from challenges to possibilities, we foster a more inclusive society.
  • 2. Prioritize user feedback and preferences: Platforms and apps should actively listen to user feedback and incorporate their preferences into the user experience. By embracing a user-centric approach, companies can create more engaging and personalized experiences that cater to individual interests and needs.
  • 3. Foster open communication and connection: Encourage users to engage with content and connect with others within the platform itself. By integrating messaging features and creating opportunities for discussion and connection, platforms can facilitate meaningful interactions and build a sense of community.


The convergence of Neurodiversity Celebration Week and Facebook's transformation into a discovery engine underscores the importance of celebrating diversity and fostering inclusive online environments. By recognizing and appreciating the strengths of neurodiverse individuals and prioritizing user preferences and engagement, we can create platforms that cater to diverse interests and needs. Embracing neurodiversity and enhancing user experiences are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary approaches that contribute to a more inclusive and engaging digital landscape.

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