The Interconnectedness of Consumer Outlook and Education in Society

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 27, 2023

3 min read


The Interconnectedness of Consumer Outlook and Education in Society


As we enter the year 2023, it becomes evident that consumers are increasingly prioritizing a holistic view of success, encompassing financial, physical, and mental health. This shift in consumer outlook is shaping the way we spend our money and the choices we make. Simultaneously, the concept of education in society is undergoing a transformative phase, as proposed in Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society." By exploring the common points between these two aspects, we can gain valuable insights into the unsettled state of global consumers and the potential for a more equal educational system.

The Trifecta of Priorities:

For a significant portion of global consumers, financial health, job security, and mental and physical wellness hold equal importance. This recognition highlights the interdependency of these elements in our lives. It is crucial to acknowledge that our financial well-being often serves as the foundation for nurturing our mental and physical health. Without a stable financial situation, it becomes challenging to prioritize self-care and personal growth.

Consumer Spending Tone:

The fusion of financial and health-focused priorities is setting the tone for consumer spending in 2023. As consumers seek a balanced approach to success, their purchasing decisions align with their overall well-being. This shift in mindset has led to increased investments in products and services that promote physical and mental wellness, as well as financial stability. Companies that cater to these needs stand to benefit from the evolving consumer landscape.

The Role of Technology in Education:

Ivan Illich's "Deschooling Society" presents thought-provoking ideas for transforming the education system. Illich advocates for the use of advanced technology to facilitate "learning webs." These webs would incorporate "peer-matching networks," where individuals exchange descriptions of their activities and skills to facilitate personalized education. By embracing technology and recognizing its potential, Illich envisions a decentralized educational system that promotes equality.

The Connection Between Consumer Outlook and Education:

The connection between consumer outlook and education becomes evident when we consider the emphasis on holistic success. Just as consumers prioritize financial, physical, and mental health equally, education must also encompass these elements to empower individuals fully. By implementing Illich's vision of learning webs in education, we can ensure that students receive a well-rounded education that addresses their individual needs and aspirations.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster Financial Literacy: To achieve holistic success, it is crucial to prioritize financial health. Educators and policymakers should integrate financial literacy education into the curriculum, equipping students with the necessary skills to make informed financial decisions. This will contribute to the overall well-being of future consumers.
  • 2. Emphasize Mental and Physical Wellness: Education should go beyond academic achievements and encompass mental and physical wellness. Schools can incorporate mindfulness practices, physical education, and mental health education to cultivate well-rounded individuals who are equipped to navigate the challenges of life.
  • 3. Embrace Technology for Personalized Learning: The integration of technology in education can revolutionize the learning experience. By leveraging advanced platforms and peer-matching networks, personalized learning can become a reality, catering to the unique needs and interests of students. Embracing technology will enable educators to create a more inclusive and equal educational system.


The unsettled state of global consumers in 2023 reflects their commitment to achieving a holistic view of success. By recognizing the interconnectedness of financial, physical, and mental health, consumers are shaping their spending patterns and choices accordingly. Simultaneously, the concept of education is undergoing a transformation towards a decentralized and personalized system, as proposed by Ivan Illich. By incorporating actionable advice such as fostering financial literacy, emphasizing mental and physical wellness, and embracing technology in education, we can create a society that empowers individuals to thrive in all aspects of life. As we navigate the future, it is essential to understand the symbiotic relationship between consumer outlook and education, and work towards building a better tomorrow.

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