The Intersection of Education and Technology: Creating an Equitable Learning Society

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Sep 18, 2023

4 min read


The Intersection of Education and Technology: Creating an Equitable Learning Society


In today's rapidly evolving world, the traditional education system is being challenged. In Ivan Illich's book, "Deschooling Society," he presents a thought-provoking argument for transforming education in society. Illich suggests incorporating advanced technology to support "learning webs" and decentralized networks that promote equal access to education. Interestingly, this concept aligns with the success story of Designer Wardrobe, a marketplace that leverages technology to revolutionize the fashion industry. Surprisingly, the growth of resale is predicted to surpass fast fashion by 2028. By exploring the commonalities between these two seemingly unrelated topics, we can gain valuable insights into creating a more equitable learning society.

Deschooling Society - Revolutionizing Education:

Deschooling Society is a polemical work that not only criticizes the flaws of the current education system but also proposes suggestions for necessary changes. Illich advocates for the use of advanced technology to create "learning webs" that foster equal educational opportunities for all. These webs would be facilitated by "peer-matching networks" where individuals exchange descriptions of their activities and skills to identify the education they would benefit from. By embracing technology and recognizing its potential, Illich argues for the creation of decentralized networks that support a truly egalitarian educational system.

Designer Wardrobe - Reinventing the Fashion Industry:

On the surface, the success story of Designer Wardrobe may seem unrelated to the concept of deschooling society. However, a closer look reveals a common thread - the power of technology and decentralized networks. Designer Wardrobe, a New Zealand-based marketplace, has witnessed remarkable growth by capitalizing on the rising trend of resale. By leveraging technology, the platform has become a go-to destination for fashion enthusiasts looking for unique pieces at affordable prices. This success exemplifies the potential of decentralized networks in challenging the dominance of fast fashion and creating a more sustainable and inclusive fashion industry.

The Synergy Between Education and Fashion:

While education and fashion may appear as distinct domains, they share underlying principles that can inform each other. Both industries have traditionally been hierarchical, with limited access and opportunities for the masses. However, the emergence of technology has disrupted these paradigms. Just as Illich calls for an equal educational system, Designer Wardrobe's success highlights the growing appetite for a more inclusive fashion landscape. By embracing technology and decentralized models, both education and fashion can break free from traditional structures and empower individuals to explore their passions and talents.

Actionable Advice:

1. Embrace Technology:

Technology is a powerful tool that can revolutionize both education and the fashion industry. Educators should leverage advanced technology to create online platforms, interactive learning tools, and personalized learning experiences. Similarly, fashion businesses can utilize technology to build user-friendly marketplaces, virtual try-on features, and sustainable fashion solutions. By embracing technology, both industries can enhance accessibility and cater to diverse needs.

2. Foster Collaboration:

The concept of peer-matching networks proposed by Illich can also be applied in the fashion industry. Encouraging collaboration and mutual exchange of skills and experiences among designers, models, and fashion enthusiasts can foster innovation and create a more inclusive fashion ecosystem. Similarly, educators should promote collaborative learning environments where students can exchange knowledge and skills, enhancing their overall educational experience.

3. Promote Sustainability:

Both education and fashion have a responsibility to promote sustainability. Educators can incorporate environmental awareness and ethical values into the curriculum, instilling a sense of responsibility in the younger generation. Similarly, the fashion industry should prioritize sustainable practices, such as upcycling and recycling, to reduce its impact on the environment. By aligning education and fashion with sustainability, we can create a more conscious and equitable society.


The intersection of education and technology holds immense potential for creating an equitable learning society. By drawing inspiration from Ivan Illich's concept of "learning webs" and Designer Wardrobe's success in leveraging technology, we can reimagine education and fashion as decentralized, inclusive, and sustainable domains. Embracing technology, fostering collaboration, and promoting sustainability are actionable steps that can lead us towards a future where everyone has equal access to education and opportunities. As we navigate the complexities of the modern world, it is crucial to recognize the commonalities between seemingly unrelated industries and leverage them to shape a better future for all.

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