The Power of Roam Research and the Need for ADHD Advocacy: Exploring Connections

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Oct 15, 2023

4 min read


The Power of Roam Research and the Need for ADHD Advocacy: Exploring Connections


In today's digital age, we are constantly bombarded with information from various sources. As writers, researchers, and individuals seeking knowledge, organizing and connecting these ideas can be a daunting task. However, two seemingly unrelated topics, Roam Research and ADHD advocacy, share a common thread - the importance of making connections and fostering understanding. In this article, we will delve into the transformative power of Roam Research as a writing tool and explore the urgent need for improved support and awareness for individuals with ADHD.

Roam Research: Unleashing the Potential of Smart Notes:

Roam Research has gained significant attention for its innovative approach to note-taking and knowledge management. One standout feature is its ability to create "unlinked references," which connect ideas and notes in unexpected ways. This remixing and joining up of ideas sparks creativity and provides writers with unique perspectives. For instance, when writing about personal finance, Roam suggested an unreferenced link related to self-improvement. This unexpected connection led to the birth of a completely different idea, enriching the writing process.

The Power of Smart Notes and Permanent Notes:

The concept of smart notes has become increasingly popular among Roam Research users. Unlike traditional note-taking, smart notes involve rewriting information in one's own words and extracting the most impactful points. These distilled ideas then become "Permanent Notes," acting as headlines or focal points for future writing sessions. By curating these Permanent Notes in advance, writers save time and ensure that their writing is grounded in well-considered insights. Roam Research empowers writers by providing a platform for effective knowledge curation and idea generation.

ADHD Advocacy and the Need for Change:

While Roam Research revolutionizes the writing process, it is essential to address real-world challenges faced by individuals with ADHD. The current system often fails to provide adequate support and understanding for neurodivergent individuals, especially those with ADHD. Employers, for instance, may not be aware of their responsibilities under the Equality Act, which protects individuals without a formal diagnosis. Access to Work schemes could benefit from enhanced training and expanded coverage to include those who are currently unemployed. It is crucial to recognize that neurodivergent individuals think differently and require tailored coaching and support.

Improving Neurodiversity Assessments and Access to Medication:

To ensure comprehensive support for neurodivergent individuals, it is imperative to enhance the medical profession's understanding of ADHD and related conditions. Anomalies, such as separate assessments for ADHD and Autism despite significant overlap, should be eliminated. Additionally, the process of accessing medication for ADHD needs to be streamlined, as it often involves prolonged bureaucratic processes. An inquiry into these issues would shed light on the reasons behind such obstacles and propose solutions to make the system less degrading and more accessible for those in need.

Support for Parents and Education Authorities:

Parents of neurodivergent children often face numerous challenges and a lack of guidance. Establishing follow-up support systems and educational resources for parents would empower them to navigate the complexities of raising neurodivergent children effectively. Furthermore, local authorities should be involved in ensuring that Education Health and Care Plans are not routinely denied, leaving parents to fight for their children's rights through tribunals. A comprehensive inquiry into these support systems would help identify areas for improvement and encourage a more inclusive and empathetic approach.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace the power of smart notes and Permanent Notes: Incorporate Roam Research or similar tools into your writing process to enhance creativity, generate unique ideas, and streamline knowledge curation.
  • 2. Educate yourself and advocate for ADHD awareness and support: Take the time to understand the challenges faced by neurodivergent individuals, particularly those with ADHD. Support initiatives that promote inclusivity and improved access to resources.
  • 3. Engage in dialogue and promote change: Join the conversation surrounding ADHD advocacy and share personal experiences or insights. Encourage open discussions and collaborate with like-minded individuals to drive meaningful change.


Roam Research has undoubtedly revolutionized the way we approach writing and idea generation. Its ability to create connections and remix ideas has proven invaluable to countless users. However, we must not overlook the urgent need for improved support and understanding for individuals with ADHD. By advocating for change, enhancing support systems, and educating ourselves, we can create a more inclusive society that values and embraces neurodiversity. Let us harness the power of technology and empathy to foster a world where everyone can thrive.

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