The Power of Roam Research and Understanding Dimensions & Format in Writing

Kerry Friend

Hatched by Kerry Friend

Apr 18, 2024

3 min read


The Power of Roam Research and Understanding Dimensions & Format in Writing


Investing in the right writing tools can greatly enhance productivity and creativity. One such tool that has garnered immense praise is Roam Research. With its unique features like "unlinked references" and the concept of smart notes, Roam Research revolutionizes the writing process. In addition to this, understanding the dimensions and format of your work is crucial, especially when it comes to printing. In this article, we will explore the benefits of Roam Research and delve into the importance of dimensions and format in writing.

The Power of Roam Research:

Roam Research offers a plethora of features that make it stand out among other writing tools. One of the most impressive features is its ability to make "unlinked references." These connections between notes suggested by Roam create unexpected remixes of ideas, making the writing process more intriguing. When ideas are linked for you, it sparks new perspectives and adds depth to your writing. For instance, while writing a personal finance article, Roam suggested an unreferenced link related to self-improvement, leading to a completely different idea in my writing. This serendipitous connection is invaluable for writers seeking fresh insights and unique angles.

The concept of smart notes is another aspect of Roam Research that garners much praise. Instead of simply jotting down quotes or ideas word for word, smart notes encourage rewriting the information in one's own words. This process helps in better comprehension and retention of the material. The strongest point from these smart notes is then transformed into a Permanent Note, acting as a headline for future reference. This pre-curation allows writers to easily browse through their Permanent Notes when seeking strong headlines, streamlining the writing process. By leveraging smart notes and Permanent Notes, Roam Research empowers writers to efficiently organize their thoughts and seamlessly navigate through their ideas.

Understanding Dimensions & Format:

While Roam Research enhances the writing process, it is also essential to grasp the importance of dimensions and format in writing, particularly when it comes to printing work. File size, measured in bytes, and resolution, measured in pixels, are two crucial aspects to consider. When printing, it is the resolution that matters most. Higher resolution ensures sharper and more detailed prints, while low resolution can result in pixelated or blurry images. Therefore, when preparing work for print, it is crucial to ensure that the resolution is suitable for the desired output.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Invest in Roam Research: By investing in Roam Research, you can unlock a world of possibilities in your writing process. Explore its features like unlinked references and smart notes to discover new connections and streamline your writing.
  • 2. Embrace the Power of Smart Notes: Practice rewriting information in your own words and curate strong headlines through Permanent Notes. This approach will not only enhance your understanding of the material but also provide a quick reference point for future writing endeavors.
  • 3. Mind the Dimensions and Format: When preparing work for printing, pay attention to the resolution to ensure high-quality prints. Prioritize resolution over file size and make adjustments accordingly to achieve the desired output.


Roam Research has undoubtedly revolutionized the writing process with its innovative features like unlinked references and smart notes. By incorporating this powerful tool into your writing routine, you can unlock new ideas and perspectives. Additionally, understanding the dimensions and format of your work is crucial for printing purposes. By considering resolution over file size, you can ensure high-quality prints that accurately represent your work. Embrace the power of Roam Research and be mindful of dimensions and format to elevate your writing to new heights.

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