The Impact of Adjectives Ending in '-ed' and '-ing' on Language Processing


Hatched by عبدالله

Oct 09, 2023

3 min read


The Impact of Adjectives Ending in '-ed' and '-ing' on Language Processing


Language has the power to evoke various emotions and engage our minds in different ways. Adjectives play a crucial role in shaping our perception of the world around us. In particular, adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing' have distinct impacts on language processing. This article explores the effects of these adjectives, finding commonalities between their usage and delving into their significance. Additionally, we will provide actionable advice on incorporating these adjectives effectively into our communication.

Adjectives Ending in '-ed' and '-ing':

Adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing' have the ability to add depth and nuance to our language. When an adjective ends in '-ed,' it typically denotes a passive state or emotion experienced by the subject. On the other hand, adjectives ending in '-ing' often represent an active state or ongoing attribute. Understanding the differences in these endings can greatly enhance our ability to convey our thoughts and engage our listeners.

The Impact on Language Processing:

Consider a situation where a speaker is delivering a presentation. The speaker remarks, "I was really bored during the boring presentation, I almost fell asleep." Here, the adjectives 'bored' (ending in '-ed') and 'boring' (ending in '-ing') are used to describe the speaker's experience. The adjective 'bored' conveys a passive state, suggesting that the speaker experienced a feeling of boredom. In contrast, 'boring' describes the presentation itself, highlighting the quality or attribute that caused the speaker to feel bored.

These adjectives contribute to how our minds process language. Adjectives ending in '-ed' tend to evoke an emotional response, as they describe the speaker's subjective experience. They create a connection between the speaker and the audience, making the communication more relatable. On the other hand, adjectives ending in '-ing' provide a vivid description of the object or situation being referred to, allowing the listener to visualize and understand the context more effectively.

Finding Common Ground:

Despite their differences, adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing' share common ground in their ability to evoke emotions and engage the listener. Both types of adjectives add depth to our language, enhancing our communication skills. By incorporating both '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives in our conversations, we can create a more balanced and impactful dialogue.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Utilize a combination of '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives to express your thoughts more vividly. For example, instead of saying, "I am tired," consider saying, "I am feeling tired after a long day of work." This approach not only conveys your state of tiredness but also provides context and engages the listener.
  • 2. Pay attention to the context in which you use '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives. Consider the impact you wish to create. If you want to emphasize your emotional state, opt for '-ed' adjectives. Conversely, if you aim to describe an ongoing attribute or quality, choose '-ing' adjectives. By being mindful of the context, you can effectively convey your message.
  • 3. Experiment with different combinations of '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives to add variety and depth to your language. This practice not only enhances your communication skills but also keeps your conversations engaging and interesting.


Adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing' have a profound impact on language processing. By understanding their differences and similarities, we can harness their power to improve our communication skills. Incorporating both types of adjectives in our conversations allows us to evoke emotions, provide vivid descriptions, and engage our listeners more effectively. By following the actionable advice provided, we can enhance our language usage and create more impactful dialogues. So, let's embrace the power of '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives and elevate our communication to new heights.

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