The Power of Vocabulary Tracking and the Impact of Adjectives on Communication


Hatched by عبدالله

Feb 23, 2024

4 min read


The Power of Vocabulary Tracking and the Impact of Adjectives on Communication


In a world where the pace of life is rapidly increasing, maintaining a strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Inspired by language learning tools like LingQ, ReadLang, and LWT (Learning with Texts), the concept of a Vocab Tracker has gained popularity among language enthusiasts. By tracking and expanding our vocabulary, we can enhance our ability to express ourselves clearly and connect with others on a deeper level. Additionally, understanding the impact of adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing' can greatly influence the way we communicate our thoughts and feelings.

The Importance of Vocabulary Tracking:

Vocabulary tracking tools, such as the ones pioneered by Steve Kaufmann, LingQ, ReadLang, and LWT, provide language learners with a structured approach to expanding their lexicon. These tools allow users to save unfamiliar words and phrases encountered during their language learning journey, enabling them to revisit and review them at a later time. By consistently tracking and reviewing vocabulary, learners can reinforce their understanding and retention of new words, ultimately improving their overall language proficiency.

Furthermore, vocabulary tracking offers a personalized learning experience. Each individual has unique interests and areas of focus, and by tailoring their vocabulary tracking to their specific needs, learners can ensure that they are acquiring words and phrases that are relevant and meaningful to them. This targeted approach allows for a more efficient and engaging language learning process, increasing motivation and ultimately leading to greater success.

The Influence of Adjectives Ending in '-ed' and '-ing':

Adjectives play a crucial role in our ability to convey emotions, experiences, and perceptions. Two common forms of adjectives that heavily impact communication are those ending in '-ed' and '-ing.' Adjectives ending in '-ed' typically describe how someone feels, while those ending in '-ing' describe the thing or situation that causes those feelings.

For example, consider the statement, "I was really bored during the presentation, I almost fell asleep." Here, the adjective "bored" ending in '-ed' describes the person's feeling, indicating a lack of interest or engagement. On the other hand, the adjective "boring" ending in '-ing' describes the presentation itself, suggesting that it failed to captivate the audience.

Understanding the distinction between these two forms of adjectives allows us to communicate more precisely and effectively. By using adjectives ending in '-ed,' we can express our personal experiences and emotions, providing insight into our subjective state. On the contrary, adjectives ending in '-ing' help us describe external stimuli or situations, allowing others to understand the context in which our feelings arise.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Vocabulary Tracking: Incorporate a vocabulary tracking tool or system into your language learning routine. Consistently save and review new words and phrases encountered to reinforce your understanding and retention. Tailor your vocabulary tracking to your interests and areas of focus to make the learning process more engaging and efficient.
  • 2. Master the Use of '-ed' and '-ing' Adjectives: Pay attention to the adjectives you use and their endings. Practice incorporating both '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives in your speech and writing to express your emotions and describe external situations accurately. This will enable you to communicate your thoughts and feelings more effectively, leading to better understanding and connection with others.
  • 3. Contextualize Your Vocabulary: When learning new vocabulary, focus not only on the meaning of individual words but also on their usage and collocations. Understanding how words are used in context will expand your linguistic repertoire and improve your ability to express yourself naturally. Incorporate context-based exercises and reading materials into your language learning routine to enhance your overall language proficiency.


In today's fast-paced world, the ability to communicate effectively is more important than ever. By embracing vocabulary tracking and understanding the impact of adjectives ending in '-ed' and '-ing,' we can enhance our language skills and express ourselves with clarity and precision. Incorporate these actionable advice into your language learning journey and witness the transformation in your ability to connect with others and convey your thoughts and emotions. Remember, language is a powerful tool, and by harnessing its potential, we can unlock limitless possibilities for growth and understanding.

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