Renewable Energy

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The Best Free AI Art Generators, Ranked thumbnail
The Best Free AI Art Generators, Ranked
gizmodo.com10 min
AI art needs to do more than composite a bundle of pictures found on Google image search.
‘An engine for the imagination’: the rise of AI image generators thumbnail
‘An engine for the imagination’: the rise of AI image generators
www.theverge.com17+ min
An interview with AI image generator CEO David Holz
This shockingly simple battery could store energy forever thumbnail
This shockingly simple battery could store energy forever
bigthink.com11+ min
Capacitors, acid batteries, and other methods of storing electric charges all lose energy over time. These gravity-fed batteries won't.
‘It was an accident’: the scientists who have turned humid air into renewable power thumbnail
‘It was an accident’: the scientists who have turned humid air into renewable power
www.theguardian.com5 min
Tesla speculated electricity from thin air was was possible – now the question is whether it will be possible to harness it on the scale needed to power our homes
Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered cars in winter—here’s why thumbnail
Electric vehicles are better than gas-powered cars in winter—here’s why
arstechnica.com4 min
All cars lose range when the temperature drops below freezing, not just EVs.
Smaller, cheaper, safer: The next generation of nuclear power, explained thumbnail
Smaller, cheaper, safer: The next generation of nuclear power, explained
www.vox.com12+ min
The nuclear industry’s big bet on going small.
For the first time in decades, Congress seems interested in space-based solar power thumbnail
For the first time in decades, Congress seems interested in space-based solar power
arstechnica.com2 min
Shared by 306, including Jennifer Ouellette, Pippa Malmgren
Direct Solar Power: Off-Grid Without Batteries thumbnail
Direct Solar Power: Off-Grid Without Batteries
solar.lowtechmagazine.com20+ min
Using solar panels without backup infrastructure makes renewable energy production much more affordable, efficient and sustainable.
Does The Ocean Floor Hold The Key To The Green Energy Transition?
www.noemamag.com7 min
Abundant minerals at the bottom of the ocean could be vital for renewable energy infrastructure. But what harm will be caused by mining them?
Satellite beams solar power down to Earth, in first-of-a-kind demonstration
Experiment brings credibility to idea of space-based energy

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