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How to Move Money in the 21st Century
a16z.com7 min
“Financial operations” (FinOps) is an emerging software category with a massive opportunity to streamline, automate, and optimize how we move money, while giving the entire organization a real-time…
Thirty Years Later, a Speed Boost for Quantum Factoring thumbnail
Thirty Years Later, a Speed Boost for Quantum Factoring
www.quantamagazine.org8 min
Shor’s algorithm will enable future quantum computers to factor large numbers quickly, undermining many online security protocols. Now a researcher has shown how to do it even faster.
AI is killing the old web, and the new web struggles to be born thumbnail
AI is killing the old web, and the new web struggles to be born
www.theverge.com10 min
The capacity of AI to generate content is overwhelming the web.
How to Excel in Tech Without Learning to Code
future.a16z.com14+ min
Technical literacy is key to career success, even for non-engineers. Learn how to master the tools of your trade and build a solid tech foundation.
The Sounds Of Invisible Worlds
www.noemamag.com11+ min
Like the microscope and the telescope did centuries ago, new technologies to capture and analyze sound are leading to startling discoveries about what the eyes cannot see.
Silicon Valley’s vision for AI? It’s religion, repackaged. thumbnail
Silicon Valley’s vision for AI? It’s religion, repackaged.
www.vox.com15+ min
It’s no accident — the intertwining of religion and technology is centuries old.
The end of the Googleverse thumbnail
The end of the Googleverse
www.theverge.com18+ min
The last 25 years of Google’s history can be boiled down to a battle against the Google bomb. Is the search engine finally losing to its hijackers?
Google’s Gemini AI hints at the next great leap for the technology: analysing real-time information
theconversation.com3 min
Learning about the world from live events is the next step for AI.
What the Hell is going on With Superconductors — Eric Jorgenson thumbnail
What the Hell is going on With Superconductors — Eric Jorgenson
www.ejorgenson.com2 min
Every few decades Physics produces a fundamentally new 'thing' that changes what's physically possible. - @Andercot Humanity might have just unlocked a new achievement… A very nerdy corner of Twitter…
Apple’s latest AI research could completely transform your iPhone
venturebeat.com3 min
Apple researchers have introduced new techniques to create photorealistic 3D avatars from video and enable advanced AI systems to run efficiently on devices with limited memory, such as an iPhone or…
What is robotic process automation?
venturebeat.com6 min
Robotic process automation (RPA) is an exploding software category in the enterprise. Here's what it means and why it matters.
Why is government failing to regulate Big Tech? 👀 #shorts thumbnail
Why is government failing to regulate Big Tech? 👀 #shorts
Full episode:
How to be present with technology. #shorts thumbnail
How to be present with technology. #shorts
Tiago Forte, Founder of Forte Labs and author of "Building A Second Brain," discusses the problem of information overload and how it can hinder creativity. H...
What Is the Open Web? thumbnail
What Is the Open Web?
prototypr.io6 min
A working definition of an Open Web and what we can strive for to building an open and sustainable internet.
What Is Code?
If you’re not a professional programmer but you’ve ever used a computer, this article is for you – seriously. You will learn what code is, what software is, how apps get written, and what different programming languages do and why they matter. Plus you’ll get details about other technical issues. Along the way, Bloomberg Businessweek reporter Paul Ford explains the culture and some of the psychology of programming. This delightfully animated article is essential for anyone not in the programming field who uses computers. getAbstract recommends it to everyone interested in learning more about programming, its culture and its principles.
How Lossless Data Compression Works thumbnail
How Lossless Data Compression Works
www.quantamagazine.org7 min
One student’s desire to get out of a final exam led to the ubiquitous algorithm that shrinks data without sacrificing information.
How to create space for ethics in AI
venturebeat.com5 min
We can't wait for tech regulation and competition reform to ensure ethical AI. We need to move forward now.

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