Climate Crisis

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Ayana Elizabeth Johnson: How to find joy in climate action thumbnail
Ayana Elizabeth Johnson: How to find joy in climate action
We can all play a role in the climate movement by tapping into our skills, resources and networks in ways that bring us satisfaction, says climate leader Ayana Elizabeth Johnson. She suggests drawing…
As climate chaos accelerates, which countries are polluting the most? thumbnail
As climate chaos accelerates, which countries are polluting the most?
www.cnn.com5 min
Countries have a mammoth task ahead as they gather for the COP28 climate summit in Dubai.
The terrible paradox of air pollution and climate change thumbnail
The terrible paradox of air pollution and climate change
www.vox.com9 min
Some types of air pollution slow global warming — but at the cost of millions of deaths a year.
The trials of Robert Habeck: is the world’s most powerful green politician doomed to fail? thumbnail
The trials of Robert Habeck: is the world’s most powerful green politician doomed to fail?
www.theguardian.com20+ min
The long read: A year ago, Germany’s vice-chancellor was one of the country’s best-liked public figures. Then came the tabloid-driven backlash. Now he has to win the argument all over again
As the climate changes, plants must shift their ranges. But can they? thumbnail
As the climate changes, plants must shift their ranges. But can they?
knowablemagazine.org10 min
Lots of them depend on fruit-eating birds and mammals to spread their seeds. But it’s debatable whether the animals — many in trouble themselves — can disperse seeds far and fast enough to keep pace…
Are carbon offsets all they’re cracked up to be? We tracked one from Kenya to England to… thumbnail
Are carbon offsets all they’re cracked up to be? We tracked one from Kenya to England to…
www.vox.com12+ min
Carbon credits explain the hyper-financialization of climate policy.
Our climate change debates are out of date thumbnail
Our climate change debates are out of date
www.noahpinion.blog8 min
Solar and batteries are going to win, and our thinking needs to adjust accordingly.
How Positive Climate Tipping Points Could Save Our Planet
www.noemamag.com20+ min
As humanity nears dangerous points of no return for global temperatures, an optimistic climate scientist sees a potential path forward.
Describing the water thumbnail
Describing the water
diagrammonkey.wordpress.com8 min
There’s a line in “As Good as it Gets” where the novelist Melvin Udall complains to the artist Simon Bishop, “I’m drowning here and you’re describing the waterrr&#…
Is spirituality the missing pillar of sustainability? thumbnail
Is spirituality the missing pillar of sustainability?
tomgreenwood.substack.com6 min
Early in my career, I came across the concept of the triple bottom line, a term coined by John Elkington in 1994 that expanded the conventional success metrics of business beyond the financial bottom line to also include environmental health and social wellbeing. The three P’s of People, Planet and Profit as they became known, are a beautifully simple concept to help businesses think more holistically about their impact.

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