Your Theme | Summary and Q&A

January 26, 2020
CGP Grey
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Your Theme


Instead of setting specific resolutions, try giving yourself a theme for the year to guide your actions and positive life changes.

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Key Insights

  • 🚲 New Year's Resolutions often follow a cycle of failure or abandonment due to the difficulty of behavior change.
  • πŸ’± Themes provide a flexible and positive approach to achieving personal growth and positive life changes.
  • πŸ“‰ Broad themes allow for adaptation and exploration, focusing on the trend of progress rather than specific goals.
  • ❓ Resonance with a theme is crucial as it creates motivation and a sense of alignment with personal values.
  • πŸ’± Themes serve as guiding forces that help individuals notice opportunities for change and make different choices.
  • πŸŒ‡ Themes can be set for different time periods, such as a year or a season, depending on personal preference.
  • ❓ Themes should be broad, directional, and resonant with the individual's desired areas of growth.


Did you set a New Year’s Resolution for yourself? How's that going? I don't know when in the year you're watching, but if I had to bet on the status of your resolution, it's probably not flourishing, but failed or foregone. This is usually what the effort curve on resolutions looks like. If New Year’s is new to you, you’re forgiven for not knowing... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the problem with traditional New Year's Resolutions?

Traditional resolutions often set us up for failure due to the difficulty of behavior change and the rigid nature of specific goals. This can lead to feelings of disappointment and discouragement.

Q: How does having a theme differ from setting resolutions?

Having a theme allows for more flexibility and focuses on the overall trend of positive change. It allows you to make choices aligned with your theme and adapt as you progress, without the fear of failure.

Q: Can you provide an example of a theme?

A theme can be something broad like 'Year of Health' or 'Year of Reading'. The specific meaning of the theme can evolve over time as you discover what resonates with you and what areas of your life you want to focus on.

Q: Why is it important for a theme to resonate with you?

A resonant theme is one that strikes a chord with your brain and creates a sense of excitement or motivation. It acts as a guiding force and helps you make choices aligned with the theme, leading to meaningful and lasting change.

Q: What is the problem with traditional New Year's Resolutions?

Traditional resolutions often set us up for failure due to the difficulty of behavior change and the rigid nature of specific goals. This can lead to feelings of disappointment and discouragement.

More Insights

  • New Year's Resolutions often follow a cycle of failure or abandonment due to the difficulty of behavior change.

  • Themes provide a flexible and positive approach to achieving personal growth and positive life changes.

  • Broad themes allow for adaptation and exploration, focusing on the trend of progress rather than specific goals.

  • Resonance with a theme is crucial as it creates motivation and a sense of alignment with personal values.

  • Themes serve as guiding forces that help individuals notice opportunities for change and make different choices.

  • Themes can be set for different time periods, such as a year or a season, depending on personal preference.

  • Themes should be broad, directional, and resonant with the individual's desired areas of growth.

  • The concept of themes complements smaller systems and targets that individuals might set to achieve their desired changes.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • New Year's Resolutions often fail or are forgotten due to the difficulty of behavior change.

  • Instead of setting specific goals, consider giving yourself a broad theme for the year.

  • A theme allows for flexibility and focuses on the trend of positive change, rather than rigid goals.

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