You Can’t Treat Social Media Like a One Night Stand | Win the Storm Conference Q&A | Summary and Q&A

March 11, 2018
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You Can’t Treat Social Media Like a One Night Stand | Win the Storm Conference Q&A


Gary Vee shares his insights on creating content for social media and the importance of hustle in business success.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ To connect with the audience, brands should focus on showcasing the individuals behind the brand, rather than just the brand itself.
  • 🥶 Giving away valuable content and advice for free can lead to increased brand recognition and future business opportunities.
  • 🎙️ Repurposing YouTube content into podcasts can expand the reach and impact of the content.
  • 🥺 When it comes to hustle, leading by example is more effective than trying to instill it in others.
  • 🤩 Hustle and patience are key to creating successful content for social media.
  • ❓ Understanding the psychology and context of your audience is crucial in creating effective content.
  • ❓ Content should bring value to the audience and educate, rather than focusing solely on sales.


  • Tonight, when you go out in Vegas, and you see a pretty girl at the bar, you can't go up to her and the opening move is like here's my key, let's go fuck. Yes, sir, what's your name? - [Jeff] My name's Jeff, thanks for, thanks for takin' my question. - Sure, man. - [Jeff] Kinda talkin' about what would you do for your mother and then for your bro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can brands effectively use content to connect with their audience?

Gary Vee believes that brands should focus on highlighting the individuals behind the brand, such as the CEO and employees, as they are more interesting to the audience. Brands should aim to create engaging content that resonates with their target audience.

Q: Why does Gary Vee give away his best advice for free?

Gary Vee's strategy is based on the concept of karma and practicality. By providing valuable advice and content for free, he believes in creating a positive reputation and increasing his potential for future business opportunities. Additionally, he understands that only a small percentage of people will actually take action on the advice.

Q: How can content creators transform YouTube content into podcasts?

Gary Vee suggests ripping the audio from YouTube videos and uploading it as a podcast. While this can be done manually, there may also be apps or technology available to streamline the process. Researching online can provide more specific instructions.

Q: How can individuals instill the "hustle gene" in their employees or children?

According to Gary Vee, the hustle gene cannot be instilled in others. However, individuals can lead by example and hustle themselves. People will either rise up to the hustle or choose a different path. He advises paying employees fairly and not expecting them to hustle as hard as you do.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Gary Vee emphasizes the importance of focusing on the individuals behind brands and not just the brand itself when creating content.

  • He advises giving away valuable advice and content for free as a strategy to build brand recognition and bring more business opportunities.

  • Gary Vee suggests repurposing YouTube content into podcasts to reach a wider audience and gain more traction.

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