Writing simple algebric expressions | Summary and Q&A

May 30, 2013
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Writing simple algebric expressions


Learn how to write algebraic expressions from word problems, utilizing variables to solve equations.

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Key Insights

  • 😑 Algebraic expressions allow for flexibility in calculations by utilizing variables instead of fixed numbers.
  • 😑 Different word problems can be solved by writing algebraic expressions and substituting values for the variables.
  • 😑 Algebraic expressions can be written in different forms, such as expanded or simplified.
  • 😑 Substituting values into algebraic expressions allows for easy and accurate checking of answers.


good day welcome to the tech math Channel what we're going to be having a look at in this video is we're going to continue to look at algebra um now in the first video we looking algebra we're basically doing some very introductory sort of things looking at how algebraic expressions were put together and writing some very basic ones as well as simp... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the purpose of writing algebraic expressions from word problems?

Writing algebraic expressions from word problems allows us to solve equations using variables, which provide flexibility in calculations and allow for substituting different values.

Q: How can we write an algebraic expression for calculating the total number of apples in bags?

To calculate the total number of apples, we can use the expression 4 * X, where X represents the number of apples in each bag.

Q: Can an algebraic expression be written in multiple forms?

Yes, algebraic expressions can be written in different forms. For example, 4 * X can also be written as 4X.

Q: How can we determine a person's age in a given number of years using algebraic expressions?

By using algebraic expressions, we can calculate a person's age by adding the given number of years to their current age. For example, if a person is currently 15 years old, their age in X years can be expressed as X + 15.

Q: What are the advantages of using algebraic expressions in calculations?

Algebraic expressions make it easier to create rules and formulas that can be applied to various scenarios, eliminating the need for repetitive calculations.

Q: How can we calculate the amount of money Allen has in a scenario where Peter has a known amount?

By subtracting Peter's money (X) from the total amount (30), we can determine Allen's money as 30 - X.

Q: What is the formula for calculating the perimeter of a rectangle using algebraic expressions?

The perimeter of a rectangle can be expressed as 2X + 28, where X represents the length of one side.

Q: How do we calculate the area of a rectangle using algebraic expressions?

The area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying its length (10) by its width (4 + X), resulting in an algebraic expression of 10 * (4 + X) or 10X + 40.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video discusses how to write algebraic expressions from word problems by using variables instead of fixed numbers.

  • It provides examples of different types of word problems, such as calculating the total number of apples or determining a person's age in a given number of years.

  • The video also explains how to solve algebraic expressions by substituting values for the variables.

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