WORST Citizenship by Investment Program: Don't Buy This Passport | Summary and Q&A

December 1, 2021
Wealthy Expat
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WORST Citizenship by Investment Program: Don't Buy This Passport


The Vanuatu citizenship program is considered one of the worst due to its lack of organization, acceptance of individuals with criminal backgrounds, and constantly changing requirements, but it does offer decent visa-free travel benefits.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ There are around 11 to 12 countries offering citizenship by investment programs.
  • 🦡 Vanuatu's program is considered worse due to its unorganized nature, acceptance of individuals with criminal backgrounds, and constantly changing requirements.
  • 🥶 The Vanuatu passport offers decent visa-free travel benefits, including access to the UK, Schengen Area, and other countries.
  • 😨 The lack of care for the program is evident from Vanuatu's poorly maintained website, which hasn't been updated since 2015.
  • 🇻🇺 Criminals, scammers, and individuals with shady backgrounds have obtained Vanuatu citizenship, reflecting the program's weak due diligence.
  • 🫡 Vanuatu's passport lacks respect and reputation internationally, leading to potential difficulties in visa applications and banking.
  • 🍉 The program's pricing is relatively affordable compared to other citizenship programs, but considering the long-term commitment, caution is advised.
  • 🥶 Vanuatu may be attractive for individuals with specific travel needs, such as transit visa-free access to Australia or flights to certain destinations.


out of all of the citizenship by investment programs out there there's about 11 or 12 countries that offer citizenship depending on your budget depending how much visa free travel you like there is one that stands below the rest as a worse program out there based on how unorganized they are and the people that have gotten that citizenship with a cr... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What makes the Vanuatu citizenship program the worst among others?

The program's lack of organization and acceptance of individuals with criminal backgrounds make it the worst program available. The constantly changing requirements also add to its negative reputation.

Q: What are the visa-free travel benefits of a Vanuatu passport?

With a Vanuatu passport, you have visa-free access to countries like the UK, Schengen Area, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines. However, there are limitations, such as no visa-free access to South Korea.

Q: How does Vanuatu's citizenship program differ from Caribbean citizenship programs?

Vanuatu's program is known for being faster than Caribbean programs, with a citizenship timeline of around three to four months. However, it lacks strong due diligence and does not require an HIV check like Caribbean programs.

Q: How does Vanuatu's pricing compare to other citizenship programs?

The cost of Vanuatu's citizenship starts at $130,000 for a single applicant, making it $20,000 cheaper than St. Kitts. The prices vary for married couples and families.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The Vanuatu citizenship program is unorganized and has had individuals with criminal backgrounds obtain citizenship.

  • The program offers visa-free travel to several countries, including the UK, Schengen Area, Thailand, and others.

  • Vanuatu's website is poorly maintained, and the program lacks strong due diligence, resulting in a lack of respect and reputation internationally.

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