Windows Defender Bypassed | Summary and Q&A

June 5, 2022
The PC Security Channel
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Windows Defender Bypassed


Windows Defender has a serious flaw that allows malware to bypass its protection by leveraging the exclusions feature.

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Key Insights

  • 👻 Windows Defender has a vulnerability that allows malware to bypass its protection by utilizing excluded folders.
  • 📁 Malware developers can move their payloads into the excluded folders to make them undetectable by Windows Defender.
  • 👤 Users can protect themselves by removing all exclusions in Windows Defender settings or by upgrading to Windows 11.
  • ❓ This vulnerability highlights the importance of regularly updating antivirus software and being cautious of potential exploits in software.
  • 🤗 The video also promotes open-source intrusion prevention system Crowdsec as a sponsor, encouraging users to check out its GitHub project and try it for free.
  • 🛀 Windows 11 has fixed the vulnerability, showing Microsoft's efforts to address security flaws.
  • 🌱 The PC Security Channel plans to cover other exploits, such as the one in Microsoft Office, in future videos.


it could just as easily be a malware binary a downloader a python script a vbs script anything but the moment we run it what's gonna happen is it is going to launch the ransomware and now windows defender is not detecting anything quick shout out to our sponsors crowdsec an open source intrusion prevention system when was the last time you heard th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the vulnerability in Windows Defender allow malware to bypass its protection?

The vulnerability lies in the exclusions feature of Windows Defender. Malware developers can scan the system for excluded paths and place their malware in those folders, making it undetectable by Windows Defender.

Q: Can malware execute without the user clicking on a link or downloading it?

Yes, the malware can be executed without any user interaction. By using commands, malware developers can transfer the malware directly into an excluded folder and then run it from there, bypassing Windows Defender's protection.

Q: What can Windows Defender users do to protect themselves from this vulnerability?

Windows Defender users on Windows 10 should remove all exclusions from their settings, as malware can easily bypass the entire antivirus protection by utilizing the excluded folders. Upgrading to Windows 11 can also resolve the issue, as this vulnerability has been fixed in the newer version.

Q: Are there any other similar vulnerabilities in Microsoft's software?

Yes, there are other vulnerabilities in Microsoft software, such as an exploit in Microsoft Office. The video suggests that the PC Security Channel might cover this exploit in a future video.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A vulnerability in Windows Defender allows malware to bypass its protection by taking advantage of the exclusions feature.

  • Malware developers can move their malicious payloads into the excluded folders, making them undetectable by Windows Defender.

  • Even if Windows Defender detects the initial downloader file, the malware can still search for excluded paths and execute the payload from there.

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