Why you shouldn't just use Windows Firewall | Summary and Q&A

May 23, 2020
The PC Security Channel
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Why you shouldn't just use Windows Firewall


Windows Firewall is ineffective against malware and can be easily disabled, highlighting the need for a separate hardware firewall.

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Key Insights

  • 💄 Windows Firewall can be easily disabled by malware, making it ineffective in protecting against threats.
  • 😒 Malware often uses command and control servers to communicate and exfiltrate data, bypassing the firewall's restrictions.
  • 🍧 Having a hardware firewall at the network level provides better protection as it cannot be disabled by malware.
  • 👾 Windows Firewall may still be suitable for blocking games and restricting internet access for non-malicious purposes.
  • 🛟 The presence of specific domains during connections can indicate the involvement of command and control servers.
  • ❓ Using alternate software firewalls can offer better protection than relying solely on Windows Firewall.
  • 🛀 The Trojan's ability to masquerade as Windows Defender shows the malware's sophistication in avoiding detection.


you shouldn't use windows far wall now of course no advice should be taken as an Universal but in this video I'm going to demonstrate with the help of a classic backdoor Trojan why I don't recommend using windows far wall and hopefully justified the title now funnily enough this isn't even because Windows Firewall is bad but you'll see what I mean ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is Windows Firewall not recommended for protecting against malware?

Windows Firewall can be easily disabled by malware, allowing it to access command and control servers and potentially steal or exfiltrate data. It renders the firewall's protection useless in such scenarios.

Q: What alternative solution does the video propose for better protection?

The video suggests having a hardware firewall at the network level, separate from the host system. This provides an additional layer of protection and prevents malware from disabling the firewall.

Q: Can other software firewalls be more effective than Windows Firewall?

Yes, other software firewalls may provide better protection as they are less likely to be disabled by malware. However, a hardware firewall is still the ideal solution for enhanced security.

Q: What is the significance of the Trojan's ability to connect to specific domains?

The Trojan's ability to successfully connect to specific domains, rather than showing generic "page not found" messages, suggests the presence of command and control servers. This indicates malicious activity.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video demonstrates the ineffectiveness of Windows Firewall against a classic backdoor Trojan by simulating its behavior on a virtual machine.

  • The Trojan demonstrates the ability to disable Windows Firewall, rendering it useless in preventing malware from accessing command and control servers.

  • The video highlights the importance of having a separate hardware firewall at the network level for enhanced protection.

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