Why are people mean on Twitter? - Smarter Every Day 214 | Summary and Q&A

April 8, 2019
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Why are people mean on Twitter? - Smarter Every Day 214


Twitter is facing attacks from bots and malicious actors who aim to manipulate discussions, sow discord, and control ideas. This video explores how Twitter is working to protect its platform while maintaining a balance between free expression and usability.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Malicious actors on Twitter aim to control discussions and ideas by deceiving users and influential individuals, leading to discord and division in society.
  • 😑 Balancing free expression and usability is a challenge for Twitter, requiring measures to detect and counter automated bots and manipulative accounts.
  • 🤘 Meta manipulation, such as artificially inflating view counts, can be used to influence news coverage and reach more people.
  • 💌 Twitter's countermeasures involve speed bumps, like CAPTCHA and email verification, but it remains an ongoing battle to stay ahead of bad actors.
  • 👤 A proactive, intentional unity among users can be an effective countermeasure against attempts to divide and sow discord.


  • You've probably heard a lot of talk lately about bots on Twitter or even foreign involvement in our political process. For example, the president of the United States publicly thanked a Twitter account which we now know was run by malicious actors located somewhere in Russia. Now, depending on what your political views are you might be inclined t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How are malicious actors manipulating Twitter?

Malicious actors use tactics like creating automated bots, tailor-made inauthentic accounts, and meta manipulation to amplify false narratives or target specific groups. They can even trick influential individuals into spreading their messages.

Q: How does Twitter detect and counter manipulation?

Twitter relies on artificial intelligence and engineering efforts to detect and take down automated bot accounts. They also use speed bumps like CAPTCHA and email verification to filter out suspicious activity. However, it remains a constant battle as bad actors constantly adapt to countermeasures.

Q: What is meta manipulation on Twitter?

Meta manipulation refers to tactics aimed at tricking algorithms to make content trend on Twitter. By artificially inflating view counts and attracting real viewers, manipulative accounts can gain attention and potentially influence news coverage.

Q: How are Twitter's countermeasures evolving?

Twitter is constantly developing new countermeasures based on an assumption that malicious actors are more advanced. While the platform aims to stay on top of attacks, it acknowledges the challenge of identifying potential false positives that can lead to unfair suspensions.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Twitter is being targeted by malicious actors who aim to control discussions and ideas by deceiving users and the President of the United States.

  • Twitter faces challenges in balancing free expression and usability, leading to measures to detect and counter automated bots and manipulative accounts.

  • The platform is working to address manipulation by implementing speed bumps, such as CAPTCHA and email verification, to filter out bad accounts.

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