Why a Stock Market Crash Doesn’t Matter | How to Invest | Summary and Q&A

June 6, 2021
Let's Talk Money! with Joseph Hogue, CFA
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Why a Stock Market Crash Doesn’t Matter | How to Invest


Timing the stock market can be costly, and it is often more beneficial to adopt a simple, stress-free investment strategy.

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Key Insights

  • 🌸 Trying to time the stock market can result in greater losses than simply staying invested during market downturns.
  • ↩️ Historical data shows that consistent investing over time can lead to significant returns, even if investments are made right before market crashes.
  • ✳️ Rebalancing and diversifying a portfolio can help manage risk and navigate market volatility.
  • 🛩️ Maintaining a small cash cushion provides liquidity to capitalize on opportunities during market downturns.
  • ✋ In the long run, stocks have consistently shown to rebound from market crashes and reach new highs.
  • 🍉 Focusing on long-term market growth and avoiding the stress of timing the market is often a more effective and rewarding investment strategy.
  • 🤩 Consistency and discipline are key to successful investing, regardless of market conditions.


hey bowtie nation joseph hogue here thank you for joining me for another one of these uh beer money sundays uh just an informal live stream i do every sunday love connecting with you all you out there in the nation uh every every week so i've got mine i hope you got yours wherever you're at in the nation let me know where you're coming to to uh fro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why is timing the stock market not advisable?

Timing the market is difficult and unpredictable. Research and historical data show that attempting to get in and out of the market before a crash can lead to missed opportunities for returns and even greater losses.

Q: What investment strategy is recommended instead of timing the market?

A simple, stress-free investment strategy that involves consistent investments over time without trying to predict market movements is often more beneficial. This approach allows investors to take advantage of long-term market growth and avoid the stress of trying to time the market.

Q: How can rebalancing and diversifying a portfolio help navigate market volatility?

Rebalancing a portfolio involves periodically adjusting the allocation of investments based on market conditions. Diversifying a portfolio by investing in different asset classes can help mitigate risk during market downturns, as different assets may perform differently in various market conditions.

Q: How much cash should be kept as a cushion during market volatility?

It is generally recommended to have a cash cushion of around 10-20% of one's portfolio. This provides liquidity to take advantage of opportunities during market downturns, while also ensuring that a significant portion of the portfolio remains invested for long-term growth.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Trying to time the market by anticipating crashes can result in greater losses than simply riding out the crash.

  • Historical data shows that a consistent investment strategy, without trying to time the market, can lead to substantial returns over the long term.

  • Rebalancing and diversifying one's portfolio, as well as maintaining a small cash cushion, can be effective strategies to navigate market volatility.

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