Whole Body Intelligence | Steve Sisgold | Talks at Google | Summary and Q&A

November 18, 2015
Talks at Google
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Whole Body Intelligence | Steve Sisgold | Talks at Google


Whole Body Intelligence involves being aware of and utilizing the wisdom and feedback from the body to achieve success, confidence, and happiness.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 The body holds memories and emotions, and being aware of these can lead to personal growth and success.
  • 🤯 The mind and body are interconnected, and achieving mind-body balance is essential for overall wellbeing.
  • 🥠 Being in tune with the body's signals can improve stress management and decision-making.
  • 🥺 Releasing stored emotions and unhelpful beliefs can lead to improved mental and physical health.
  • 🤯 Regular self-care practices, such as deep breathing and movement, can support mind-body balance and wellbeing.


MALE SPEAKER: So welcome, everyone. I'm very excited that we have Steve Sisgold here today. His new book, "Whoe Body Intelligence: Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body to Achieve Greater Wisdom, Confidence, and Success." I actually wanted to read one of the reviews of the book. It's actually from our very own Rachel Romero, who set this talk up ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Whole Body Intelligence contribute to success and wellbeing?

Whole Body Intelligence allows individuals to tap into their body's wisdom and use it as a guide for decision-making and personal growth. By being in tune with the body's signals, individuals can better manage stress, detect negative beliefs, and improve overall wellbeing.

Q: How does holding onto past memories and emotions affect our bodies?

Holding onto past memories and unexpressed emotions can lead to tension and stress in the body. These memories are stored in the body and can impact physical and mental health. It is important to address and release these stored emotions for optimal wellbeing.

Q: How can one achieve mind-body balance?

Achieving mind-body balance involves being aware of and listening to the body's signals, practicing self-care techniques such as deep breathing and movement, and regularly checking in with oneself to ensure alignment between thoughts, words, and actions.

Q: How does Whole Body Intelligence relate to stress management?

Whole Body Intelligence is a powerful tool for stress management. By being aware of the body's stress signals, individuals can take steps to address and release stress, such as through breathing exercises, physical movement, and self-reflection.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Steve Sisgold discusses the concept of Whole Body Intelligence and how it can help individuals navigate life more easily and achieve success.

  • He emphasizes the importance of being aware of the body's messages, such as body cues and stress levels, and how they relate to beliefs and energy levels.

  • Sisgold shares his own experiences of witnessing the disconnect between what people say and what their bodies communicate, leading him to explore the power of body intelligence.

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