When You're FEELING INSECURE, Watch This To Change EVERYTHING! | Jay Shetty | Summary and Q&A

June 24, 2022
Building Confidence & Overcoming Fears
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When You're FEELING INSECURE, Watch This To Change EVERYTHING! | Jay Shetty

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In this episode, the guest, Jamie, opens up about her struggles with an eating disorder and body image issues. She discusses how the obsession with food and her body has taken a toll on her mental health and relationships. Jamie shares her journey in therapy and her desire to find a balance between feeling good in her body and achieving her ideal body image. The therapist, Esu, provides insight and guidance, emphasizing the importance of addressing the obsessiveness and working towards understanding the root causes of Jamie's body image ideals.

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the obsession with food and your body affected your mental health and relationships?

The obsession with food and my body has consumed my thoughts and mental energy, making it difficult to focus on other areas of my life. It leads to negative feelings about myself, affects my self-worth, and causes me to avoid intimacy in relationships.

Q: How long have you been in therapy and what led you to start?

I have been in therapy consistently for the past six months. I started therapy because I was finding it increasingly difficult to get out of bed and had thoughts of not wanting to be alive anymore. My husband had been encouraging me to seek help, and I realized it was time to address my struggles.

Q: Have you seen progress or developed any coping skills during your therapy journey?

Throughout therapy, I have learned some coping skills, such as breathing exercises and self-talk to help calm my mind during moments of stress or panic. Therapy has also allowed me to explore my childhood experiences and understand the origins of my body image issues.

Q: When looking for a therapist, what factors were important to you in finding the right fit?

It was crucial for me to find a therapist specializing in eating disorders. I also sought out a therapist who could engage in more of a conversation rather than just listening. Finding someone with the right communication style and a focus on my specific needs was essential in the search for the right therapist.

Q: Can you describe the relationship between body image and self-worth?

Body image has a significant impact on my self-worth. I often feel that my worth is tied to my appearance and body size. If I don't meet my perceived ideal standards, it diminishes my sense of self-worth and affects how I view myself as a person.

Q: Where do your body image ideals come from?

I believe my body image ideals come from societal pressures and influences, as well as messages I received growing up, mainly from my mother. These ideals have stuck with me and shaped my perception of what an ideal body should look like.

Q: What are your main focuses and goals in therapy?

My main goal in therapy is to reach a point where I can feel comfortable and confident in my body. I want to break free from the obsessiveness surrounding food and my appearance. Ultimately, I strive for self-acceptance and finding peace in my body.

Q: Have the struggles with body image affected your work or relationships?

The struggles with body image have impacted my relationships and work. It has caused intimacy issues in my relationship and affected my libido. Additionally, the constant preoccupation with food and body image has been mentally exhausting and has led to periods of depression and lack of motivation.

Q: What role has medication played in your mental health journey?

I have been taking antidepressants since I was nine years old. Initially, there was shame and stigma attached to it, but over time, I have come to appreciate the positive impact medication has had on my mental health. It provides stability and helps me navigate my struggles with depression.

Q: How does therapy differ now from your past experiences?

In the past, therapy felt uncomfortable and unhelpful because I didn't have a clear understanding of why I was there. Now, therapy is more conversation-based, with the therapist asking questions and providing guidance. This approach feels more engaging and allows for a deeper exploration of my thoughts and emotions.

Q: What advice do you have for others going through a similar journey in finding the right therapist?

It is important to find a therapist who specializes in your specific needs, whether it's eating disorders or any other mental health issue. Additionally, consider the communication style that works best for you and seek a therapist who is willing to engage in conversation and provide guidance rather than just listening.


Jamie's journey exemplifies the challenges faced by individuals dealing with body image issues and eating disorders. Her willingness to address the obsessiveness surrounding food and her body is a crucial step towards finding self-acceptance and peace. Therapy offers a safe space to explore the origins of body image ideals and develop coping skills. It is essential to find a therapist with expertise in your specific needs and who can engage in a conversation that is helpful to your healing process. Remember, you are not alone in your struggles, and seeking help is a vital step towards mental well-being.

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