Becky G ON Coming To Terms With Her Identity and Radical Authenticity | Summary and Q&A

September 18, 2023
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Becky G ON Coming To Terms With Her Identity and Radical Authenticity

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This video features an interview with singer, actress, and activist Becky G. She talks about her journey as a young artist, the challenges of fitting into societal boxes, and the importance of embracing one's authentic self. She discusses her album "Esquinas" and the concept of the "200" which represents her intersectional identity. Becky G also shares insights on the pros and cons of growing up in the public eye, the power of quality connections, and the significance of the mind-body-soul connection. She highlights the importance of mental, spiritual, and physical routines and the impact of therapy on her journey of self-discovery.

Questions & Answers

Q: Can you explain the concept of the "200" and how it inspired your album?

The concept of the "200" represents my intersectional identity and the idea of not fitting into societal boxes. It originates from being half Mexican and half American, but feeling like I had to give up a part of myself to fit in anywhere. This concept inspired my album "Esquinas", which represents the corner where two cultures meet. I wanted to create music that reflects my true authentic self and connect with others who share similar experiences.

Q: Jay Shetty mentions that he feels a similar need to belong in many different roles. Can you relate to that feeling?

Absolutely. I believe that we are multifaceted beings, and it's natural to have different roles and identities. I have experienced this in my career as well, where I am not just a singer, but also an actress and an activist. It's important to embrace all aspects of ourselves and not feel limited by societal expectations. We can be the sum of all our roles and still be authentic to who we are.

Q: How did you overcome the fear of not being accepted when you started singing Spanish music?

It was a turning point for me when I decided to pursue singing in Spanish. I was scared of not being accepted in the Latin music industry because I didn't fit the traditional mold. But I realized that I deserved to be in that space and that there was a need for artists like me. I drew inspiration from Selena Quintanilla, who faced similar challenges, and decided to lean into my authenticity. It was a journey of self-acceptance and believing in my own worth.

Q: What are the pros and cons of growing up in the public eye?

Growing up in the public eye has its challenges and rewards. On one hand, it allows for amazing opportunities and connections. But it also comes with the pressure of constantly being judged and compared to others. As a young artist, I felt the need to please everyone and be accepted, which can be overwhelming. However, it has also taught me resilience and the importance of staying true to myself despite external opinions.

Q: How do you define a quality connection and why is it important to you?

A quality connection is a space where I feel safe to be my true authentic self. It's about being in the presence of people who accept and support me for who I am. It's not about the quantity of connections but the depth and authenticity of those connections. Quality connections allow for meaningful interactions and genuine support, which is essential for personal growth and well-being.

Q: What routines or practices do you follow for mental, spiritual, and physical well-being?

I believe in the mind-body-soul connection and the importance of nurturing each aspect. For my mental well-being, I prioritize disconnecting from social media in the morning and engage in a social media detox once a month. I also practice meditation and prayer for spiritual grounding. In terms of physical well-being, I prioritize exercise and taking care of my body through good sleep and a balanced diet. These routines help me maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

Q: How have therapy and self-reflection helped you address your people-pleasing tendencies?

Therapy has been instrumental in helping me understand my people-pleasing tendencies and their root causes. It has allowed me to reflect on my patterns and how they affect my overall well-being. Through therapy, I have learned to set boundaries, prioritize my own needs, and let go of the fear of disappointing others. It's an ongoing journey of self-discovery and reframing my mindset to prioritize my own happiness and authenticity.

Q: Can you share a time when you ignored your inner compass and it led to difficulties?

There have been moments in my career where I ignored my inner compass and made decisions based on the expectations of others. I would go along with what people wanted, even if it didn't align with my true desires. This led to feelings of being disconnected from myself and experiencing anxiety and panic attacks. It was a valuable lesson for me to realize that just because I could do something, doesn't mean I should. Honoring my authentic self and listening to my inner compass has been crucial in finding true fulfillment and happiness.

Q: How do you define a quality connection and why is it important to you?

A quality connection, to me, is one where I can show up as my true authentic self and feel safe and understood. It's about having genuine and meaningful interactions with others. Quality connections are important to me because they allow for deeper understanding, personal growth, and a sense of belonging. It's not about the number of connections but the quality and authenticity of those connections that truly matter.

Q: How have therapy and self-reflection helped you address your people-pleasing tendencies?

Therapy has been a transformative tool in addressing my people-pleasing tendencies. Through therapy, I have gained a deeper understanding of the root causes of my people-pleasing behavior and its impact on my well-being. It has helped me set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and embrace my authentic self. Self-reflection, combined with therapy, has enabled me to reframe my mindset and prioritize my own happiness and fulfillment rather than seeking validation from others.


Becky G's journey highlights the importance of embracing one's authentic self and finding value in quality connections rather than seeking external validation. She emphasizes the significance of the mind-body-soul connection and the role of routines and practices in mental, spiritual, and physical well-being. Therapy and self-reflection have played instrumental roles in her journey of self-discovery and addressing people-pleasing tendencies. Overall, her story reflects the power of staying true to oneself and finding purpose in personal growth and connections with others.

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