What The Rich Never Tell You About Making Millions (YOU NEED TO KNOW) | Summary and Q&A

December 14, 2023
Investor Weekly
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What The Rich Never Tell You About Making Millions (YOU NEED TO KNOW)


People measure their wealth and status relative to others, but true wealth is about long-term goals and a mindset of patience and diversification.

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Key Insights

  • β­• Wealth and status are often measured relative to others, but true wealth is about rarity within your circle.
  • 😚 Gaining or losing wealth can profoundly reshape your mindset and the way you perceive the world.
  • πŸ€‘ Money can bring happiness to a certain extent, but it can also complicate life and strain personal relationships.
  • βŒ› Time is a crucial component of wealth, as demonstrated by successful individuals who have invested consistently over long periods.
  • πŸ‰ Market fluctuations and volatility are normal, and success in investing requires staying calm, adopting a long-term perspective, and diversifying investments.
  • πŸ˜‰ Patience and consistency are key in building wealth, as chasing quick wins often leads to disappointment.
  • πŸ€‘ Understanding the psychology that comes with being rich is an important aspect of the journey towards making millions.


is that people measure their status and their net worth relative to people around them like there is no such thing as an objective measure of wealth where it's like once you hit X dollars you're wealthy everything is just relative to those around you the rich are getting richer by the day and effortlessly it's not just luck or being in the right pl... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does society measure wealth and status?

Society often measures wealth and status by comparing it to what others have. The more you have relative to those around you, the wealthier you appear.

Q: How does wealth reshape your mindset?

Gaining or losing wealth can drastically change how you think and feel about things. It can bring out positive traits like generosity, but it can also bring a spotlight and disorientation.

Q: Can money buy happiness?

Money can bring some form of happiness, especially if you were previously unhappy with little money. However, studies have shown that beyond a certain threshold, more money does not bring additional happiness.

Q: Does wealth simplify or complicate life?

While money can solve problems and improve certain aspects of life, it can also complicate things. It can strain relationships and lead to additional responsibilities and complexities.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Society believes that wealth and status go hand in hand, but true wealth is about rarity within your circle and not just flashy possessions.

  • Wealth has the power to reshape your mindset and the way you perceive the world, whether gained or lost.

  • Money can bring happiness to a certain extent, but it can also complicate life and affect personal relationships.

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