What I do when I feel SCARED or DEPRESSED | Summary and Q&A

December 10, 2022
Grant Cardone
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What I do when I feel SCARED or DEPRESSED


Sometimes we don't feel motivated or confident, but we can overcome resistance by getting a little closer, doing it anyway, and giving our best effort.

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Key Insights

  • 🥡 Motivation can be fleeting, but by taking small steps towards a task, we can overcome resistance and find ourselves more engaged.
  • 🥡 Regardless of how we feel, taking action is essential for progress and success.
  • 👋 Once we start taking action, it becomes easier to give our best effort and push through any struggles that arise.
  • 👋 It's important to remember that even if we don't achieve our desired outcome, showing up and giving our best is a victory in itself.
  • 🥺 Overcoming resistance and taking action can lead to personal growth and development.
  • 😚 Fear and doubt are common, even for successful individuals, but they can be overcome by getting a little closer to what needs to be done.
  • 🥳 Consistency in taking action, even on days when we don't feel motivated, can build resilience and determination.


hey a little trick hope you're doing well I don't want to work out today came in here literally seven minutes ago like I don't want to do this I had to drag myself in there I actually found myself in here by accident look if you're waking up today and you're not feeling it I'm not talking about workouts either whatever it is going to work making th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can we overcome the lack of motivation?

One way to overcome lack of motivation is by getting a little closer to the task. By taking small steps towards it, we can gradually build momentum and find ourselves more engaged.

Q: What does "do it anyway" mean?

"Do it anyway" refers to taking action regardless of how we feel. Even when we are not motivated or confident, doing it anyway can lead to progress and eventual success.

Q: How can we give our best effort once we start taking action?

Giving our best effort requires putting our back, ass, and head into the task. It means fully committing and pushing ourselves to do the best we can.

Q: What if we encounter struggles after starting to take action?

If we encounter struggles, it's important to remember that at least we showed up and gave it something. Even if we didn't achieve our desired outcome, we can learn from the experience and try again tomorrow.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker shares his personal experience of not feeling motivated and how he overcame it by getting a little closer to the task at hand.

  • He emphasizes the importance of doing it anyway, even when we don't feel like it, as it can lead to success.

  • Once we start taking action, it becomes easier to give our best effort and push through any struggles.

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