We Made Face Shields - Smarter Every Day 233 | Summary and Q&A

April 7, 2020
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We Made Face Shields - Smarter Every Day 233


Community members across different cities are collaborating to produce and distribute 3D printed face shields and other protective gear to support medical professionals fighting COVID-19.

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Key Insights

  • 😷 Local communities are stepping up to address the shortage of protective gear for medical professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • ⚙️ Coordinated efforts and communication networks are crucial for efficiently producing and distributing the gear.
  • 🎨 Following standardized designs and guidelines ensures consistency and effectiveness.
  • 😷 Collaborating with established medical societies can help ensure fair distribution of the gear to all healthcare facilities in need.
  • ❓ Different skills and expertise are required to successfully carry out the production and distribution process.
  • 🔉 Local media and social media platforms can be used to raise awareness and gather support.
  • 💨 Adaptive strategies, such as transitioning to injection molding for faster production, can be implemented as the initiative progresses.


Hey It's me Destin. Welcome back to Smarter Every Day. I'm alone, so I can take this off I am in a warehouse That was once used to work on the Saturn V rocket and we have just spent the whole day tooling up a line to disinfect and sanitize 3D printed materials Those are 3D printed materials that come in from the community we disinfect them all thro... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What motivated the community in Huntsville to start producing 3D printed face shields?

The insufficient supply of protective gear for medical professionals in their area due to the global demand prompted them to take initiative and support their local healthcare workers.

Q: How did the community coordinate efforts and ensure efficient production and distribution of the gear?

They established a communication network and created a central touch-point for interaction between the maker community and the medical community. They also identified specific needs of hospitals and coordinated the production accordingly.

Q: What is the importance of following a standardized design rather than creating individualized solutions?

Following a standardized design ensures consistency and avoids confusion and frustration. It ensures that the produced gear meets the specific requirements and recommendations of medical professionals.

Q: How did the community address the challenge of disinfecting the 3D printed gear before distribution?

The community reached out to other experienced individuals and organizations, such as Operation Shields Up in Sacramento, to learn the best practices for disinfection. They set up a thorough process involving detergent rinses, water rinses, and poly-bagging to ensure the gear is safe.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • A group of engineers and makers in Huntsville, Alabama, have come together to produce 3D printed face shields for doctors and nurses fighting COVID-19.

  • They established a communication network and coordinated efforts to ensure that the produced gear meets the specific needs of local hospitals.

  • The community also set up a sanitization process to ensure the safety of the gear before it is distributed to medical facilities.

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