Warren Buffett: "14 Things POOR People Waste Money On!" FRUGAL LIVING, financial independence | Summary and Q&A

December 28, 2022
Investor Weekly
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Warren Buffett: "14 Things POOR People Waste Money On!" FRUGAL LIVING, financial independence


Warren Buffett shares his insights on avoiding financial pitfalls, including repurposing items, quitting smoking, finding balance with junk food, investing in self-education, and cutting unnecessary expenses.

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Key Insights

  • 🤑 Repurposing, borrowing, and renting items can save money previously allocated for new purchases.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Quitting smoking not only improves health but also eliminates an expensive habit.
  • 😋 Finding balance with junk food ensures occasional treats without overspending.
  • 🤳 Investing in self-education enhances financial knowledge and promotes long-term financial independence.
  • 🤑 Avoiding excessive gambling, overspending on restaurants, and unnecessary personal products saves money.
  • 💇 Cancelling unused subscriptions and gym memberships cuts down on monthly expenses.
  • 😄 Buying used cars instead of leasing new ones can provide significant savings.
  • 👪 Prioritizing affordable clothing options and renting for special occasions reduces spending in the fashion department.
  • 🤑 Waiting to replace gadgets until necessary saves money on constantly upgrading to the latest models.
  • 🤢 Limiting drinking at bars or restaurants or adjusting the budget to accommodate alcohol expenses can prevent overspending.


  1. new things we live in a consumerist era so it's important to spend every single day on things that we both need and don't need but let's turn to Warren Buffett for a second when he had his first child he transformed a dresser into a crib for the baby when he had his second child he ended up borrowing a crib from a friend the moral of this story ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can repurposing items save you money?

Repurposing items allows you to avoid buying new ones and saves you money. Warren Buffett's example of transforming a dresser into a crib for his child showcases the potential savings and resourcefulness.

Q: How can quitting smoking help you save money?

Quitting smoking not only improves your health but also saves you hundreds of dollars monthly. The cost of cigarettes adds up quickly, making it a significant expense that can be avoided.

Q: What is the key to finding balance with junk food?

It is essential to view junk food as a treat or reward rather than consuming it regularly on top of regular meals. Finding balance ensures you enjoy occasional indulgences while preventing excessive spending on unnecessary snacks.

Q: Why is investing in self-education important for financial independence?

Warren Buffett emphasizes that the best investment one can make is in oneself. By gaining knowledge through books, online resources, and channels like Investors Weekly, individuals can enhance their financial understanding and make better money decisions.

Q: How can canceling unused subscriptions save you money?

With numerous streaming services available, it is easy to accumulate unused subscriptions. By canceling those that are not used regularly, individuals can save money that would have otherwise been spent on unnecessary monthly fees.

Q: How can overspending on restaurants be avoided?

While restaurants offer convenience and service, the cost can add up quickly. By prioritizing home-cooked meals and utilizing appliances like slow cookers or pressure cookers, individuals can save significantly by avoiding overspending on restaurant meals.

Q: How can individuals reduce expenses on personal products?

Assessing personal product expenses can help identify unnecessary items that can be safely eliminated without sacrificing desired results. Even small cuts in personal product spending can make a significant difference in monthly savings.

Q: How can excessive credit card debt be avoided?

Understanding that credit card purchases entail debt, individuals should prioritize aggressive debt payment plans, such as the debt snowball method, to eliminate debt quickly. Warren Buffett suggests using credit cards only if statements can be paid in full or sticking to cash.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Repurpose or borrow items instead of buying new ones to save money.

  • Quit smoking to improve health and save hundreds of dollars monthly.

  • Find balance with junk food, treating it as an occasional reward rather than a regular expense.

  • Invest in self-education to enhance financial knowledge and improve financial independence.

  • Avoid excessive gambling, overspending on restaurants, and buying unnecessary personal products.

  • Cancel unused subscriptions, gym memberships, and consider buying used cars instead of leasing new ones.

  • Save money by avoiding overspending on clothes, new gadgets, drinking at bars or restaurants, and accumulating credit card debt.

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