Victor Antonio and Grant Cardone Q&A —Win Seat to Sales Boot Camp | Summary and Q&A

June 2, 2017
Grant Cardone
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Victor Antonio and Grant Cardone Q&A —Win Seat to Sales Boot Camp


Sales expert discusses the difference between selling and closing, the importance of building value for customers, and how to address objections effectively.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Selling and closing are two essential components of the sales process, with closing leading to revenue generation.
  • ❓ Buyers in the B2B market are more knowledgeable and resistant to hard closing techniques.
  • ❓ Understanding the concerns and motivations of different influencers in the buying process is crucial for successful sales.
  • 🐕‍🦺 Building value involves addressing objections, focusing on the specific benefits of the product or service, and instilling confidence in customers.
  • 😄 Objections should be addressed proactively, and salespeople should take the initiative to guide the conversation and put customers at ease.
  • 💁 The Ebbinghaus curve highlights the importance of reinforcing the sales pitch and addressing objections promptly, as customers tend to forget most of the information within a short period.
  • 🐕‍🦺 Salespeople should have passion for what their product or service does for the customer, rather than solely focusing on the product itself.


[Applause] [Applause] Let's Roll it out I sell in the East awesome job man I sign this for me sign up for me I got a page full who got a page full okay light light lighten this place up a little bit so I got some questions for you man really really appreciate you doing this where were you before here before you came here I just got back from Egypt ... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main difference between selling and closing?

Selling generates interest and gets the conversation started, but closing is what ultimately results in making a sale and earning money.

Q: Are selling and closing separate skill sets?

Yes, they are different skill sets. Selling is essential to get to the table, while closing is what seals the deal. Both are important in the sales process.

Q: Do people try to hard close early in the B2B industry?

Hard closing techniques are less common in the B2B market because buyers are more informed and resistant to pushy tactics. Building value and addressing objections effectively is crucial in B2B sales.

Q: How do you build value in sales?

Building value involves understanding the customer's concerns and addressing them proactively. It requires focusing on the benefits and value that your product or service brings to the customer's specific needs.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The difference between selling and closing is that selling generates interest but closing is what ultimately leads to making a sale and earning money.

  • In the B2B market, selling is necessary to get to the table, but closing is what seals the deal. Both are important skill sets.

  • Buyers today are more knowledgeable and into the buying cycle, so hard closing techniques are less effective in the B2B market.

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