October 27, 2019
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In this video, the presenter reimagines popular books into different genres, such as Harry Potter as a sci-fi story and Fangirl with a layer of magic added.

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Key Insights

  • 🏃 Reimagining books into different genres can be a fun exercise for both readers and fanfiction writers.
  • 💡 The presenter's ideas highlight the flexibility of storytelling and how genres can be blended to create unique narratives.
  • 🆕 The reimagined genres breathe new life into familiar stories and offer fresh perspectives for readers.


I know what's gonna read our fam welcome back to my channel I hope you're doing well I hope that you've been staying warm in this cool autumn weather and I hope that you've gotten the chance to pet an animal recently like a dog or a cat unless you're allergic in that case I'm sorry today I'm actually gonna be taking a twist on a video that I recent... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the presenter reimagine Harry Potter in a different genre?

The presenter envisions Harry Potter as a sci-fi story set in space, with Harry, Ron, and Hermione attending space warts (a school of StarCraft and spacer II), and facing off against the Dark Lord of space, Voldemort.

Q: What is the new genre idea for The Archive?

The presenter sees The Archive as a contemporary story with a layer of magic peeled back, where the protagonist, Mackenzie, becomes a rat keeper at a school infested with rats, trying to keep it a secret from everyone else.

Q: How does the presenter reimagine Frankly in Love in a different genre?

Frankly in Love is reimagined as a fantasy story, where the protagonist, Frank, falls in love with a vampire girl, and they navigate their relationship while putting on a fake dating scenario to appease Frank's parents.

Q: What is the presenter's new genre idea for Throne of Glass?

The presenter suggests reimagining Throne of Glass as a horror story, set in a boarding school, where the protagonist, Selina, takes on the principal, who has caused a rat infestation, and enlists help from her friends to save the school from his manipulative policies.

Q: How does Fangirl get reimagined in a different genre?

Fangirl is given a layer of magic, where the protagonist, Cath, realizes that her fanfiction is coming true, and she can write herself into the fictional world she has created, deciding whether to continue living a mundane life or embrace the new fictional reality.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The presenter shares a book she has been reading, "Curse" by Thomas Wheeler, and explains how it inspired her to reimagine books into different genres.

  • She presents five books, including Harry Potter, The Archive, Frankly in Love, Throne of Glass, and Fangirl, and gives a brief overview of her new genre ideas for each.

  • The presenter discusses how reimagining books into new genres can be a fun writing prompt for fanfiction writers.

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