Top 7 YouTube Myths That Keep YOUR Channel Small | Summary and Q&A

August 25, 2021
Nick Nimmin
YouTube video player
Top 7 YouTube Myths That Keep YOUR Channel Small


Don't fall for these YouTube myths that can hinder your channel's growth and success.

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Key Insights

  • ✋ One high-quality video can drive significant subscriber growth.
  • 😀 Thumbnails should focus on grabbing attention and indicating the content's relevance, not necessarily on featuring a face.
  • 🎮 Text in thumbnails is not required; imagery alone can effectively convey the video's topic.
  • 👋 YouTube does show new creators' content; success depends on implementing best practices and creating engaging content.
  • ⚡ Tags are not as crucial as topics, titles, and thumbnails for video success on YouTube.
  • 🫵 Packaging (topic, title, and thumbnail) is as important as video content in attracting viewers.
  • 😃 New or small creators can compete with big channels if their content resonates with the audience.


  • The last thing you want when you're trying to grow YouTube channel, is to fall for some of the myths that are out there around YouTube. Some of it is just outdated information. Some of it is just absolutely, completely 100% wrong. And because that information is wrong, guess what's gonna happen when you start taking that information seriously, an... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Is making a ton of videos necessary for growing a YouTube channel?

No, you can achieve significant growth with just one or a few high-quality videos that resonate with your target audience. Examples are provided of videos that drove thousands of subscribers.

Q: Do thumbnails always require a face?

No, thumbnails should grab attention and indicate the video's relevance. Faces are not necessary, especially in areas like gaming, sports, and tech. Focusing on the content's main topic or theme can be equally effective.

Q: Do I need to include text in my thumbnails?

Text can provide context, but it's not essential. Experimenting with imagery-only thumbnails can yield interesting results. The most important goal is to create thumbnails that attract viewers' attention and entice them to click.

Q: Does YouTube prefer established creators over new ones?

No, YouTube does show new creators' content to its users. The success of a video depends on implementing best practices, creating engaging content, and resonating with the target audience. Every successful channel started from scratch.

Q: Are tags crucial for video success on YouTube?

No, tags are not as important as topics, titles, and thumbnails. While tags can be used, spending excessive time on them isn't necessary. Focus instead on creating compelling packaging and engaging content.

Q: Is video content more important than packaging (titles, thumbnails)?

No, packaging is equally important for success. Even if you have a great video, without attracting viewers through compelling titles and eye-catching thumbnails, your content may not reach the intended audience.

Q: Can new or small creators compete with big channels?

Yes, new or small creators can compete if their content resonates with viewers. While big channels might get initial advantages in terms of exposure, YouTube's algorithm follows audience response. If people positively respond to a smaller creator's content, it can outperform that of a larger channel.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Making a ton of videos is not necessary for gaining subscribers; one or a few high-quality videos can drive significant growth.

  • Thumbnails don't always require a face; focus on grabbing attention and identifying the content's relevance.

  • Text in thumbnails is not essential; imagery can effectively convey the video's topic.

  • YouTube does show new creators' content; success depends on learning and implementing best practices.

  • Tags are not crucial for video success; focus on creating compelling topics, titles, and thumbnails.

  • Packaging (topic, title, and thumbnail) is as important as video content in attracting viewers.

  • New or small creators can compete with big channels if their content resonates with the audience.

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