Top 3 BIM Barriers (and How to Overcome Them) | The B1M | Summary and Q&A

October 21, 2015
The B1M
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Top 3 BIM Barriers (and How to Overcome Them) | The B1M


Implementing BIM in the construction industry may face barriers such as cost, lack of client demand, and cultural resistance.

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Key Insights

  • 💼 Cost is a significant barrier in implementing BIM, but organizations should consider the long-term value it can bring and develop a business case accordingly.
  • 🉐 Lack of client demand should not hinder the adoption of BIM, as competitors may gain an advantage by offering BIM services.
  • 💦 Cultural resistance can be overcome by tailoring the value proposition of BIM to individuals and showcasing the benefits it can bring to their work.
  • 💁 Successful implementation of BIM requires a strategic approach, involving leaders within the organization and developing tailored information requirements for clients.
  • 🥺 BIM implementation can lead to improved efficiency, cost savings, and a competitive advantage in the construction industry.
  • 🤑 Organizations should not view BIM as just another request for development money, but as an opportunity to improve their business and keep up with competition.
  • ✋ By addressing barriers and implementing BIM, organizations can ensure they provide high-quality service and deliver a better product to clients.


so you've decided to absorb in that's great news and we are 100% behind you a word of warning though you probably are going to face some barriers along the implementation journey here we're going to take a look at the three most substantial ones and offer you some advice on how to overcome them at the start of our list is cost depending on your rol... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the initial costs involved in implementing BIM in the construction industry?

Implementing BIM may require investing in training and software programs, which may incur short-term costs. However, these costs should be seen in the context of the long-term value that BIM can bring to the organization.

Q: How can lack of client demand be addressed in adopting BIM?

Organizations should proactively make a business case for implementing BIM, highlighting the potential benefits and value it can bring. Alternatively, they can have conversations with clients to understand their objectives and develop tailored information requirements that align with their needs.

Q: How can cultural resistance towards BIM be overcome?

Instead of focusing on the term "BIM," organizations should highlight the specific benefits and improvements BIM can offer to individuals in their roles. By demonstrating these benefits and showcasing success stories, organizations can gradually shift the culture towards adopting BIM.

Q: How can organizations ensure a successful implementation of BIM?

In addition to addressing the barriers discussed, organizations should develop a solid business case unique to their needs and objectives. It is crucial to involve leaders within the organization to gain their support and ensure a strategic approach to adopting BIM.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Implementing BIM may initially require time and financial investment in training and software programs, but the long-term benefits outweigh the costs.

  • Lack of client demand should not be an excuse for not adopting BIM, as competitors may gain an advantage by offering BIM services to clients.

  • Cultural resistance within the industry can be overcome by tailoring the value proposition of BIM to individuals and demonstrating how it can make their work more efficient and enjoyable.

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